This Avengers: Endgame animated trailer sees Earth’s Mightiest Heroes come together with the X-Men. It’s going to be a huge year for Marvel fans on the big screen with the Phase 3 finale rolling out later this month, marking the end of MCU’s The Infinity Saga and subsequently beginning a brand new chapter in Spider-Man: Far From Home. Other than that it’s unknown what the future holds for the franchise, but there’s no scarcity of possibilities now that the mutants are back with Marvel.

Following Dinsey’s acquisition of Fox’s TV and movie assets, the film rights to the X-Men, Fantastic Four and all tie-in characters have reverted back to Marvel. That means that Marvel Studios and Kevin Feige can now use these heroes in the MCU however they see fit. While there’s no official word yet as to what fans can expect of from the mutants joining MCU, many are already excited for what’s to come - some of them even hoping that the X-Men will somehow join the ongoing fight against Thanos. This idea is brought to life in a brand new fan-made trailer for Endgame.

Courtesy of YouTube content creator Darth Blender comes an animated Endgame trailer imagining what the Joe and Anthony Russo film would be like if the mutants were in the mix. Using footage from three different animated series - 2010’s The Avengers Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, 2009’s Wolverine and The X-Men, and 2015’s Guardians of the Galaxy TV series - the clip runs for two and half minutes and incorporates the mutants in the Avengers’ upcoming battle against Thanos. Fans are digging the mash-up, and some are even expressing their eagerness to watch the aforementioned animated series after watching the fan-made trailer video. Watch the full video below:

Fans’ anticipation for seeing the X-Men in the franchise is understandable considering that for the longest time, the two pockets of Marvel live-action media have been separated, hindering people from seeing faithful adaptations of certain comics stories on the big screen. However, bringing them into the MCU also means saying goodbye to the former and present crop of actors playing these heroes, with X-Men: Dark Phoenix being the final movie in the X-Men saga. Initial reports suggest that only Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool franchise will be carried over to Disney - and even that still poses a lot of questions considering his R-rated films. This is a bummer for those who genuinely loved Fox’s take on the mutants, not to mention the brilliant ensemble they current have with actors such as James McAvoy playing Professor X and Michael Fassbender as Magneto.

Chances of the X-Men rubbing elbows with the Avengers in Avengers: Endgame is very slim, which is why many are just hoping for a tease of their arrival in the film’s post-credit scene. While that’s definitely exciting, it’s probably for the best that the film skip anything related to the mutants so as not to take away the focus on everything that Marvel Studios has built over the last 10 years. The focus should be on the MCU’s heroes, particularly its founding members. The X-Men and Fantastic Four will definitely have their own time to shine in the universe soon.

More: Dark Phoenix Star Doesn’t Want a Storm & Black Panther Romance in the MCU

Source: Darth Blender

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