Ever since Marvel Studios announced that Phase 3 would come to an end with Avengers: Infinity War and its now untitled sequel, it has been made clear that these films will be the culmination of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to this point. The impending clash with Thanos is sure to thin out the superhero population on Earth, which could mean the end to many characters that audiences have come to love. Even with so many returning figures, directors Joe and Anthony Russo have also made sure that these films will be used to introduce audiences to brand new characters.

One of the reported new additions to the cast is Peter Dinklage, who is said to have a recurring but unknown role in both films. His potential casting has led to much speculation about who he could play - the two most popular theories being Adam Warlock’s pal Pip the Troll or the villainous MODOK (which we too have speculated about). If the latter proves to be true, a new piece of fan art could give fans an idea of how Dinklage could look in the role.

Comicbook.com has commissioned photoshop artist BossLogic to once again share his take on the latest superhero movie related castings. This time, the artist has put Dinklage’s face into MODOK’s unique frame.

Once again, BossLogic shows that he can make anyone look the part, with Dinklage fitting a  perfect representation of MODOK with this design. No matter how fun the speculation may be, fans should be cautious in getting their hopes up, and wait for official confirmation from Marvel. It’s possible they have an even more fitting role in store for the beloved actor.

That said, the addition of MODOK would be interesting for the fallout of these two films and moving forward as it gives the heroes yet another threat to face. He is a relatively obscure character thanks to his design alone. In the comics, the name is taken by technician George Tarleton takes after a series of experiments drives him mad with power and superhuman intelligence. His name was initially MODOC, which stood for Mobile Organism Designed Only for Computing, but Tarleton eventually changed his name to MODOK, replacing Computing with Killing.

With Infinity War set to start production by the end of the month, it is potentially only a matter of time before Marvel confirms Dinklage’s involvement. When they do so, it will be interesting to see if they confirm who he is playing as well, as they’ve previously left some roles a mystery long after production ends. For now, fans can simply debate who they think he should be, and thanks to this design, MODOK seems like it could be a great fit.

Source: Comicbook & BossLogic

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