Avengers: Infinity War will be the third installment in the Avengers franchise under the umbrella of Marvel Studios. It is the largest and most action-packed corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe where all of the heroes and villains come together to play. With the success of Captain America: Civil War - which felt more like an Avengers movie than a Captain America movie, really - fans have been waiting for Infinity War with baited breath.

This movie promises to be the most wide-sweeping Avengers installment to date with Avengers: Infinity War finally bringing cosmic characters and Earth-bound characters together in order to defeat a bigger and badder threat: Thanos. Previous to Infinity War, the closest the two worlds have had to meeting is either when Thor originally joined the Avengers or when he had a drink with Doctor Strange.

In an interview with ET Benedict Cumberbatch (Doctor Strange) speaks very highly of the Avengers: Infinity War script. While he doesn’t divulge any details about Strange’s involvement - and Benedict Wong plays coy, even though he is confirmed to appear as Wong in the movie as well - he does confirm that he has a copy of the script, he has been reading it and that he has been enjoying it. He says, “I’ve got a script and I’ve been reading it; it’s very, very good fun.”

Avengers: Infinity War will be Cumberbatch’s second time playing the role of Doctor Strange and the first time outside of his own solo movie. Many Marvel Cinematic Universe staples will be joining him including Chris Pratt’s Star-Lord, Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow and Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury. The movie will be directed by Anthony and Joe Russo who worked previously on Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War from a screenplay by MCU veterans Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely who have written: Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, an episode of Agent Carter and Captain America: Civil War.

In all honesty, Avengers: Infinity War doesn’t need any good will to convince audiences to flock to cinemas the world over and support it. MCU movies are all but guaranteed to make money and win the box office several weekends in a row, although they are facing more competition from other genre pictures now than ever. It is wonderful to hear such positive words from Cumberbatch, who brought such a breath of fresh air to Marvel Studio’s typical origin story.

On the other hand, Avengers: Infinity War only began in January, so it may yet be tough for anyone involved in the project to be able to comment on the state of the project and whether or not it is shaping up well. There is a tremendous amount of hype surrounding the movie already, which is surely accompanied by a tremendous amount of pressure on all parties involved. It makes sense that, publicly, one would want to speak well of the film.

Next: Avengers: Infinity War Casting Call Offers Setting Details

Source: ET

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