The Infinity Saga from the Marvel Cinematic Universe was a colossal cinematic event that went on for a decade, and one of the most outstanding achievements in the history of cinema and general pop culture. It had so many incredible movies from the likes of Black Panther, Thor: Ragnarok, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and many more, but many people believe the epitome to be Avengers: Infinity War.

That movie is an achievement in itself, putting an insane amount of beloved heroes in the one film, while still crafting an emotional and coherent narrative that keeps the fan’s eyes glued to the screen. With so many characters, though, it is hard to give some the time they deserve, but some characters still got their fair share of time.

Least - Ayo (0:15)

There are so many great characters within Black Panther, and so many of them appear in this film, with the movie’s final stretch happening in Wakanda, but not many get a lot of screen time.

Ayo is second in command of the Dora Milaje elite enforcers who protect the Golden Tribe and Wakanda. In this film, she only appears briefly, with there not being a massive amount of time to dedicate to many side characters, no matter how good they are.

Most - Doctor Stephen Strange (11:15)

Doctor Strange is a character who excelled in a group setting. That is not to say that he is bad in his solo film necessarily, but he is a fantastic element of both Infinity War and Endgame.

Strange finds himself on Titan with Tony, Spider-Man, Nebula, Drax, Star-Lord, and Mantis, and crucially looks to the future to see fourteen million possible outcomes, with only one resulting in a win for the heroes. He has some fantastic moments in this film and makes the most of his screen time as a relatively fresh face compared to the likes of Tony Stark.

Least - Ned Leeds (0:15)

Most of the main Avengers have their characters from their solo movies that are friends, allies, or even family members, and being the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, Peter Parker is no different.

Ned Leeds is Peter’s best friend and has a small role in this film as he distracts people allowing Peter to get changed into his spidey-gear and run off to help save the world when Thanos’ forces attack.

Most - Thor (15:15)

Thor has had a wild ride throughout the Infinity Saga, both in terms of his in-universe character and in terms of his quality, with his first two movies being relatively subpar, and the third being one of the very best the franchise has to offer.

Thor’s character has been the same, going from one of the less interesting heroes to a fascinating, hilarious Avenger, and one of the best characters overall, which came to a head in this film where he is the absolute star.

Least - The Collector (0:45)

The Collector is an eccentric recurring character in the MCU played by Benicio Del Toro who’s real name is Taneleer Tivan, and who holds the most extensive galactic collection of all sorts of ‘collectible’ objects from fauna to artifacts to Howard the Duck.

This movie sees the Guardians reach Knowhere, where Thanos has set a trap for them after obtaining the reality stone, with everything an illusion and Knowhere up in flames with the Collector’s true fate unknown.

Most - Tony Stark/Iron Man (17)

It is no surprise Tony Stark gets a fair chunk of time in the frame in Infinity War, and it is also no surprise that he kicks ass in every single frame of the film he is in.

Tony Stark spends a lot of this movie with Doctor Strange in some great exchanges, as well as the rest of the heroes that manage to get to Titan. Unfortunately for Tony, he gets stuck there at the end of this movie, after the heartbreaking snap that left Peter disintegrating in his arms.

Least - Heimdall (0:45)

Played by Idris Elba, Heimdall was the all-seeing all-hearing guard of Asgard’s Bifrost Bridge, and held a lot of power, and was a revered Asgardian as well as constant in the Thor trilogy.

Unfortunately for Heimdall, he spends very little time in this movie due to his death right at the start of it by way of a knife through the heart from Thanos during his rampage en route to gathering all the Infinity Stones.

Most - Gamora (20:00)

Gamora was undoubtedly one of the biggest surprises of this superhero classic. Not because she was great, she was, and that is no surprise since she and Zoe Saldana always have been, but because of her role.

Gamora has a huge part to play in this film, first to go in search of Thanos, and then get taken by her adoptive father before being sacrificed by him for the Soul Stone. Her death was shocking and sad, and who can genuinely sit on a high horse and blame Star-Lord for his reaction.

Least - Princess Shuri (0:45)

As mentioned earlier, Black Panther has a plethora of great characters, and despite having a chunk of the movie in Wakanda, not everyone could get their share of screen time.

With the heartbreaking death of Chadwick Boseman, Shuri very well may be the next Black Panther, and she will do fantastically in that role. In this movie, she does not get much time, only briefly appearing to help out the heroes on Wakanda.

Most - Thanos (31:00)

Infinity War was all about Thanos. He stole the show, ran the show, and made it an absolutely brilliant show, immediately establishing himself as an all-time great cinematic villain.

So many audience members had their jaws drop on the floor that Thanos won this movie; he beat the Avengers, succeeding in his goal of halving the universe’s population. Josh Brolin was fantastic, and overall, Thanos will be a near-impossible villain to dethrone in terms of quality in the MCU’s future.