Discover the secrets of the Avengers: Endgame Super Bowl TV spot in our trailer breakdown? Excitement really couldn’t be higher for the next Avengers blockbuster, which carries on from the cliffhanger ending of Avengers: Infinity War. This will bring an end to the first three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and a number of key actors are coming to the end of their contracts, meaning it’s believed some of the original Avengers will pay the ultimate price to defeat Thanos.

The first Avengers: Endgame trailer showed the surviving heroes reeling, grief-stricken, from the deaths of their comrades. Meanwhile, Tony Stark and Nebula were left stranded in space aboard the Guardians’ spaceship; according to a voice-over they were already out of food and water, and they only had a day’s worth of oxygen left. And yet there were subtle glimmers of hope interspersed throughout the trailer; Black Widow and Steve Rogers clearly had some sort of last-ditch plan, which is widely expected to involve an element of time travel. The trailer’s end emphasized the unexpected return of Ant-Man, who had been trapped in the Quantum Realm after the snap.

Unsurprisingly, but to the delight of their fans, Marvel took advantage of this year’s Super Bowl to reveal a dramatic Big Game TV spot for Avengers: Endgame. And while it may not look to provide much new information, it’s full of teases of how Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are working to either avert or undo the snap. Some people move on - but not them.

  • This Page: What Happened After Avengers: Infinity War Page 2: How The Avengers Deal With Thanos’ Victory Page 3: First Look At Returning Avengers In Endgame Page 4: The Avengers’ Plan In Endgame

19. The Dead Avengers

The Avengers: Endgame Super Bowl trailer starts with a quick, haunting reminder of all the heroes who’ve been lost; the likes of Wasp, Nick Fury, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, and Spider-Man. The images flash across the screen at speed, lifted from previous films and with colors filtered out. There are only a few red highlights on each image, the color of blood and the universal symbol for danger. It’s a powerful way to introduce those watching the game to Endgame, reminding viewers of the dramatic end of Avengers: Infinity War.

Curiously, Marvel is still using their “First Ten Years” logo for Avengers: Endgame, despite 2019 being the studios’ 11th year. It’s reasonable to assume this is intended to reinforce the sense of continuity between Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, to truly make it feel as though the story that ended in the one film is continuing in the next Avengers blockbuster. The dissolve effect is remarkably powerful here, coming straight after a quick run-through of the various heroes who were dusted.

17. New York Is Deserted Post-Snap

The idea of the snap - which, in-universe, is called the Decimation - is lifted straight from Jim Starlin’s Infinity Gauntlet miniseries. There, the scale of it was demonstrated by spinning across a range of key locations in the Marvel universe, with several panels dedicated to New York, where Spider-Man watched in horror as crowded streets were suddenly emptied. The Russo brothers avoided taking that approach with Avengers: Infinity War; they wanted the Decimation to feel rather more intimate, and thus focused exclusively on the deaths of characters audiences were already familiar with. But the Avengers: Endgame Super Bowl trailer shows that the snap had exactly the same kind of effect as in the comics; New York City is shown to be deserted, with barely a sign of life in the city or skies.

16. The Statue of Liberty Surrounded - Is It A Sanctuary?

The Avengers: Endgame Super Bowl trailer lingers for a moment on the Statue of Liberty, which is surrounded by boats, suggesting Libert Island has become something a sanctuary. If that is indeed the case, it’s hard not to be reminded of Emma Lazarus’ poem, The New Colossus, inscribed on a plaque on the Statue.

The poem seems an appropriate description of the entire human race in the MCU post-snap. The Decimation’s survivors are tired and poor, homeless and “tempest-tost.” Little wonder they seek sanctuary at the foot of symbols of hope; they’re desperate to believe that the future is bright, when the present is only filled with grief and loss. This is the first solid hint that there’s a fairly substantial time jump between the events of Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame; there has to be enough time for people to flock to Liberty Island, and attempt to build a new community at the statue’s feet.

“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she

With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

15. Endgame’s Sporting Moment

The Avengers: Endgame TV Spot dropped at the Super Bowl, so it’s appropriate for Marvel to include a shot of a deserted sporting stadium, albeit one for baseball. Beyond that, though, the shot highlights reams of deserted cars in the parking lot. It’s a potent symbol, telling viewers that the MCU has become a bleak, hopeless place, without entertainment and bereft of joy.

Page 2 of 4: How The Avengers Deal With Infinity War & More Of Our Endgame Trailer Breakdown

14. Captain America At A Support Group

Naturally, the population of the MCU are attempting to make sense of what has happened, and it appears at least one of the survivor communities has set up a support group. The format is familiar, with people sitting in a circle and talking through their pain and fears. In a surprising twist, Steve Rogers himself appears to be part of this particular group, which gives a sense of just how much the events of Avengers: Infinity War have shaken him. Notice that Rogers is out of costume here, perhaps hinting that at the beginning of the film he’s lost all hope and abandoned his superhero identity. If that is the case, though, it won’t last long.

13. “Some People Move On… But Not Us”

A voice-over offers Captain America’s assessment of the world; “Some people move on,” he reflects, “but not us.” This is the Avengers’ driving motive in the film. The rest of the world is beginning to accept Thanos’ horrific act of genocide, but Steve Rogers is unwilling to do so. The Avengers are deeply scarred, working through the five stages of grief; denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. But they’re superheroes, and as a result their refusal to accept this harsh new reality means there is still the potential to change it. The first Avengers: Endgame trailer teased that Earth’s surviving heroes will put together some sort of plan to either undo or avert the snap, believed to involve using time travel to rewrite history. It is their very grief, and their refusal to move on, that will provide this hope to the cosmos.

12. Tony Stark Works With Nebula

Tony Stark and Nebula may be stranded on board the Guardians’ spaceship, but that doesn’t mean they’re sitting idly by and waiting for the life support to shut down. The Avengers: Endgame Super Bowl trailer shows them hard at work in a scene that’s visually reminiscent of the first Iron Man movie, where Stark forged the Mark I Iron Man armor while trapped in a cave; notice that the vest he’s wearing is identical to the one he wore in the cave, and again in Iron Man 2 where he created a new element to save his life from Palladium poisoning. The experience of being stranded in space appears to allow Tony Stark to reinvent himself once again, this time with Nebula’s help.

11. The Avengers Outside Their HQ

Next in the Avengers: Endgame Super Bowl trailer, four of the core Avengers stand outside the Avengers Compound and look up at the sky. It’s unclear exactly what they’re looking at; again, note that Steve Rogers is clean-shaven, which means some time has passed since the snap. The Avengers Compound still has lights, presumably because it had its own power generator.

Page 3 of 4: First Look At Returning Avengers & More Of Our Endgame Trailer Breakdown

10. Rocket

Rocket Raccoon is the sole surviving member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and here we get our first look at him in Avengers: Endgame, wearing a version of his original, blue-and-red comic outside. The trailer shows him entering a cabin, but there’s absolutely no context for this image, so it’s impossible to say where Rocket is; it looks as though he’s built himself a home somewhere on a coast, although the TV spot could easily be misleading in this regard.

9. Black Widow’s Longer Hair

The Avengers: Endgame Super Bowl trailer moves on to a shot of Black Widow that again hinting at the passage of time; notice that her hair has grown a little since the events of Avengers: Infinity War, and she’s now wearing it in a pony-tail. Black Widow seems to have a different hairstyle every single movie, and official Avengers 4 art had already suggested she’d adopt a pony-tail in Endgame.

8. Black Widow’s Target Practice

Black Widow appears to be at the Avengers Compound, taking some time for target practice. This is actually the first time Black Widow has ever been shown training in a Marvel movie, which means this is showing her in a more vulnerable state than ever before. Even though she hits the targets easily, there’s a sense of unease here.

7. Ant-Man & War Machine Suit Up

The next shot from the Avengers: Endgame Super Bowl trailer shows Scott Lang aka Ant-Man and James Rhodes aka War Machine suiting up. The two previous crossed paths with one another before in Captain America: Civil War, back then they were on opposing sides of the famous Airport Battle. This time, they’re working together, symbolized by how their helmets fall into place as they prepare for action. Rhodey’s armor is the same as in Infinity War, but he’s likely to get an upgrade over the course of the movie. Scott’s Ant-Man appears to be the original costume from the first film.

6. Thor And Stormbreaker

The Avengers: Endgame Super Bowl trailer then moves on to give viewers a brief glimpse of Thor, God of Thunder. It’s impossible to say where he is, or why he’s there in the first place, but based on the architecture, Thor could well be looking for any surviving Asgardian refugees; this shot may show him finding a deserted escape pod. The good news for Thor is that it looks as though least one of the Asgardians did; Tessa Thompson is known to be reprising the role of Valkyrie in Avengers: Endgame.

Thor is still wielding his new weapon, Stormbreaker, which means he could be anywhere in the entire galaxy in this scene; Stormbreaker can be used to summon the Bifrost, meaning Thor can easily leave Earth in an attempt to find the Asgardian survivors.

Page 4 of 4: The Avengers’ Endgame Plan Revealed?

5. Hawkeye, A.K.A. Ronin

Hawkeye was entirely absent from Avengers: Infinity War, but he appears to have an important arc in Avengers: Endgame, adopting the Ronin identity. In Marvel’s Ultimate Comics, Hawkeye became Ronin after the deaths of his wife and children; that’s led many to believe poor Clint’s entire family died in the Decimation. There’s no context for this brief image, but the red light again evokes a sense of danger.

4. Captain America Has His Shield Back

Steve Rogers abandoned the Captain America identity in the aftermath of Captain America: Civil War, but the Super Bowl trailer shows him claiming his shield once again. This is a key character moment, as it involves Steve Rogers taking the first, faltering steps towards becoming a symbol of hope once again. Of course, it may introduce an element of conflict when Tony Stark returns to Earth; Iron Man may not take well to Captain America once more carrying his father’s shield.

3. Captain America’s PTSD

Steve Rogers is a broken man, clearly struggling with PTSD as he shakes trying to pull the straps tight on his shield. It makes sense for Steve to be suffering acutely, given he lost both of his closest friends in the snap, and will undoubtedly hold himself responsible for what happened. Steve Rogers led the Avengers at the Battle of Wakanda, and they failed; he knew what was at stake, and yet he refused to allow Scarlet Witch to kill Vision and destroy the Mind Stone, which would have prevented the snap. No doubt the scale of the Decimation has shaken Steve Rogers to the core.

This element of PTSD also explains a role-reversal hinted at in the first trailer for Avengers: Endgame; there, it was Black Widow who was inspiring a dejected Steve Rogers, encouraging him to help the Avengers with their plan to put matters right.

2. The New Avengers Roster

The trailer comes to a close with one final scene in the Avengers bunker, showing the new Avengers roster. According to the trailer, the new Avengers team consists of Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Rocket, Ant-Man, War Machine, and Bruce Banner. Four heroes are conspicuous by their absence: Iron Man and Nebula, who may still be lost in space; Captain Marvel, who may not have turned up yet; and Ronin, which suggests the scene comes earlier in the film. Of course, it’s not out of the question for Marvel to have edited out one of those characters.

1. The Quantum Realm Suits

It’s easy to miss, but the Avengers appear to be wearing new uniforms in this final scene; although only the outlines are visible, Thor isn’t wearing a cape. These are probably the mysterious white outfits seen in tie-in merchandise, which are believed to be Quantum Realm environmental suits. It’s generally believed the Avengers will access the Quantum Realm in order to travel through time and attempt to rewrite history, preventing the snap from ever happening. If that’s the case, this really is a key scene, seeing the Avengers prepare to enter the Quantum Realm.

This offers an alternative reason why Bruce Banner may not be part of this team. In Ant-Man & the Wasp, someone needed to stay out of the Quantum Tunnel in order to control it; it could be that Banner is coordinating the Avengers’ attempt to enter the Quantum Realm, and is also monitoring in case they need to get out quick.

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