Co-director Joe Russo says that Avengers: Endgame’s tone is very different from Avengers: Infinity War. In less than a month, Marvel Studios will wrap up the 22-film arc that they have been unspooling since 2008’s Iron Man. A direct sequel to last year’s Avengers 3, the Phase 3 capper will be the fourth MCU project for the Russo Brothers and writers Stephen Markus and Christopher McFeely. Having the privilege and burden to follow-up such a well-received film, the pressure to deliver is not lost on the foursome, but at this point, they seem to know how exactly they’re going to wrap-up this massive narrative.

Disney is running an extremely measured marketing campaign for Endgame, so as not to reveal any significant plot points that might give the public the slightest inkling about what’s going to happen in the film. In fact, there was even a point where they considered not doing any traditional promotion at all. But based on the footage released thus far, Avengers 4 veers away from the light and humorous vibe that the MCU is known for. The tone is dark and gritty, and the heroes are either brooding or mad - which makes sense considering that they were dealt with their first loss against Thanos (Josh Brolin). In comparison to last year’s Infinity War, Russo says that the upcoming Marvel film will be different, explaining why they were adamant about splitting the twin Avengers sequels.

Speaking with BoxOfficePro, Russo explained (without giving any narrative details away) how Endgame is unlike anything fans have seen before in the MCU, and is certainly different from Infinity War, which means that it’ll be an entirely different experience for viewers. Aside from the tone, fans can also expect a shift in perspective - from Thanos to the heroes out to get him.

Whereas Infinity War was a Thanos-centric film, Endgame will put the remaining heroes, particularly the six original Avengers front and center. It’s been a while since fans saw the line-up complete, as they went on their separate journeys in the last several years. But considering what went down in Avengers 3, the squad needs to get back together, this time, to avenge the whole galaxy. Sadly, this could also be the final outing for some, if not most of the original team.

“That’s a tricky one to answer without giving anything away, but I will say that the movie is definitely unique in tone. It has its own spirit that’s different than Infinity War, which is why I was keen for us to separate the movies. Of course, we’re handing off narratives and it’s been serialized over 22 movies. But, it’s different tonally than Infinity War and it is told from a different point of view. It was important for us in our minds as film directors to separate those two because we do not want to make the same movie twice, and ways that you can differentiate films are through tone and point of view.”

In terms of tone, Infinity War did a great job infusing humor even in the midst of Thanos’ onslaught. Heroes, and by extension the viewers, were optimistic most of the film despite the Mad Titan defeating them at every turn. It wasn’t until the snap that the vibe quickly became dreary (it didn’t help that Thor almost had him beat with Stormbreaker). In Avengers: Endgame, the arc will more likely be opposite - starting with the heroes hopeless and at their lowest. But as they slowly regain their confidence and cook up a plan to defeat Thanos, they build up their morale to finish the mission. Of course, that’s not to say that it’ll purely be a happy ending, since winning will also mean sacrifices from the characters.

More: Fan Made Endgame Posters Reveal The Fate of Other Marvel Characters

Source: BoxOfficePro

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