Disney’s acquisition of Fox has sparked a slew of exciting ideas for the Russo Brothers, including bringing Doctor Doom and Kraven into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Mouse House first expressed interest in buying Fox back in 2017, and officially closed the deal in March of this year. Now, Disney has access to a variety of Fox and 21st Century Fox properties, but none more important than the X-Men and Fantastic Four franchises.

The merging of Fox and Disney brought about plenty of positive and negative arguments from cinema fans the world over. Many saw the deal as an exciting opportunity for Fox’s superhero franchises to be rebooted under the Marvel Studios name, while others saw the merger as having lasting, damaging effects on the industry. One thing’s for certain, Disney now has the chance to bring the entirety of the Marvel Cinematic Universe together, and Joe and Anthony Russo want in on it.

The Russo Brothers have been making the rounds promoting their upcoming superhero extravaganza, Avengers: Endgame, but that’s not to say they haven’t been thinking about possible future endeavors. In an interview with Syfy Wire, the brothers shared which Marvel villains they’d love to see appear in upcoming projects, namely Doctor Doom and Kraven the Hunter. Joe Russo stated that he’d love to see Kraven because, “that Spider-Man, Kraven arc would be pretty amazing to see,” adding in his love for Doctor Doom by saying how much he loves the, “Shakespearean mythology behind him as a character.” Not only that, but the brothers shared how if they were to make another independent character story, they’d love to make a film around Wolverine or the Fantastic Four, jokingly adding in, “we could die working at Marvel.”

The Russo Brothers have been a studio and fan favorite of Marvel Studios for years. They previously directed Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, and last year’s epic Avengers: Infinity War for the massive studio, and show no signs of slowing down. Though the duo hasn’t officially announced any more upcoming projects, a Secret Wars movie has been in talks with Avengers: Endgame writers Stephen McFeely and Christoper Markus, who would love for the brothers to direct the film.

Joe and Anthony Russo’s enthusiasm for Disney’s acquisition of Fox’s superhero properties could bode well for both the X-Men and Fantastic Four franchises. Reboots have become an exhaustive habit with major Hollywood studios, but this is a rare opportunity for a clean slate that’ll redeem both franchises and bring them into the Cinematic Universe that they belong to. A shift this massive does spark a lot of debate as to how exactly they’ll be remade, though. This conversation has been especially prevalent with Fox’s upcoming X-Men release, Dark Phoenix. The film is being released at a less-than-opportune time, with the future of the franchise being stuck in cinematic limbo. Perhaps Disney will pick up where Fox left off with the franchises. If not, then here’s hoping Dark Phoenix goes down in a fiery blaze of glory.

Next: Here’s Everything That Disney Now Owns From Fox (& What It Means)

Source: Syfy Wire