Tom Holland was not allowed to have a script for Avengers: Endgame, a movie he stars in. Holland, who portrays Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is notorious for dropping spoilers for the films he’s appeared in. He’s become so famous for it that one fan put together a video of every time Holland nearly spoiled Avengers: Infinity War, but his co-star Benedict Cumberbatch, who portrays Doctor Strange, stopped him.

Holland has earned a reputation for spoilers, so much that he wasn’t allowed to read the script for Avengers: Infinity War, for fear he would accidentally slip up and tell fans what to expect. In that movie, the Avengers go up against Thanos, who collects all the Infinity Stones to give the villain the ultimate power to decimate half of the universe’s population. Many of the Avengers die at the end of Infinity War, something that Marvel did not want to give away ahead of the film’s release. That still didn’t stop Holland from spoiling Infinity War shortly after its release by showing up at a movie theater and saying to the audience, “I’m alive,” which gave away the fact that Spider-Man did not survive Thanos. Considering Peter Parker’s death in the film is probably one of the most emotional for audiences, most fans forgave him the slip-up.

For the follow-up film, Avengers: Endgame, Marvel again decided not to take any chances. According to ComicBook, Holland was not allowed to see the script for that movie either. Director Joe Russo confirmed the only parts of the script Holland saw were his lines and he did not even know who he was in scenes with until he got to set each day. Russo said:

Holland isn’t the only Avenger, though, that has a bad habit of spilling the beans. Mark Ruffalo, who portrays the Hulk, has also been known to let loose with the spoilers, too. During an appearance on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon, he accidentally gave away a spoiler for the movie and then later asked that it be removed before broadcast. Although that entire incident might have been for fun, Ruffalo has leaked a few things before, too. He most recently poked fun at his reputation for spoilers by pranking fans on April Fool’s Day with a “spoiler video” for Avengers: Endgame that was anything but.

“Yeah, Tom Holland does not get the script. Tom Holland gets his lines and that’s it. He doesn’t even know who he’s acting opposite of. We’ll just, we use like very vague terms to describe to him what is happening in the scene, because he has a very difficult time keeping his mouth shut.”

What’s most endearing about Holland’s numerous slip-ups is that they usually come from his genuine excitement about being Spider-Man in the MCU. His enthusiasm for the role and his work is something that most of his fans love and admire. As for what’s next for Holland’s Spider-Man, fans will have to wait until Avengers: Endgame hits theaters.

More: Time Travel In The MCU & Avengers: Endgame Explained

Source: ComicBook

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