The Chinese poster for Avengers: Endgame unites Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie with the rest of the surviving Avengers - who stand above the silhouettes of the fallen heroes. Marvel Studios is starting to put the marketing campaign for Avengers: Endgame into high gear, but they’ve still been very careful over what they are showing. There’s been two Avengers: Endgame trailers released to this point, but it has actually been other promotional materials that have brought the biggest reveals lately.

A recent banner for the movie confirmed that the Hulkbuster armor will make a return at some point in Endgame. This was only the beginning, though, as Marvel recently debuted 32 character posters for the film. They featured almost every character who has either been confirmed to be alive or dusted, including further confirmation that Valkyrie survived Thanos’ snap in Avengers: Infinity War and that Shuri (Letitia Wright) did indeed die off screen.

Chinese box office reporter Gavin Feng shared on Twitter a brand new Chinese poster for Avengers: Endgame - which opens overseas on April 24 like most other territories. The poster is among the best that Marvel has released for the film to date, and features Valkyrie actually standing alongside her fellow MCU heroes who are still capable of fighting. In addition to showing her in a brighter light, the bottom of the poster features many of the snapped victims in the shadows.

With the rush of new materials that feature Valkyrie, many are beginning to wonder just how big of a role she will have in Endgame. There has only been a few pieces of information concerning her role in the movie, such as Thompson reportedly being on the same set that Thor and Rocket were on. This could add more credibility to the belief that Thor and Rocket’s separate mission in the movie revolves around the other half of the Asgardians that escaped Thanos’ attack. We could learn that Valkyrie was put in charge of leading them to safety and rendezvous with Thor later on.

Of course, this recent coverage for Valkyrie has only come through posters, so we’ve yet to actually see any footage of her in the movie. Unless Marvel releases another trailer to announce when tickets go on sale, fans may not have the opportunity to see Valkyrie in action before Endgame is in theaters. That may not be a bad thing, though, as this will allow everyone to be equally surprised with what her role is, whether it is big or small. Thankfully, there is less than a month to go before Avengers: Endgame will be in theaters.

More: Avengers: Endgame Story Timeline & Trailer Scenes In Order

Source: Gavin Feng

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