Avengers: Endgame cast members recap the tragic events of Avengers: Infinity War as a children’s book. With less than three weeks to go before MCU’s culminating film hits theaters, the press tour for the Joe and Anthony Russo-directed superhero blockbuster is already in full swing. Written by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, Avengers 4 tackles the aftermath of Thanos wiping out half of population all over the universe. With their backs against the wall, the remaining heroes hatch a plan to avenge those who have fallen and potentially also restore peace and order in the galaxy.

Marvel Studios has been extremely secretive about the story of Endgame, even briefly tinkering on possibly not doing any traditional marketing scheme for the movie. Demand for tickets broke numerous records, and clogged several online retailers - a testament to the public’s anticipation of how the 22-film arc the MCU has been treading since Iron Man will come to a close. Trailers are crafted to not give anything away regarding what the future lies ahead for the heroes and Thanos. But for those who have given up on attempting to predict what goes down in the Phase 3 capper, the cast of the film recaps the plot of Infinity War in preparation for its sequel.

Kicking off Avengers week on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, members of Endgame’s ensemble cast sat down to do a reading of ‘Twas The Mad Titan Thanos - a lighter spin on the tragic events of Infinity War specifically geared for kids. Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner and Chris Evans took turns in reading the book - most of them breaking character for personal commentaries on the what went down in Avengers 3. Ruffalo and Johansson ribbed Thor for not going for Thanos’ head, while Hemsworth defended his character saying Odinson was the only one who got that close in defeating the Mad Titan. The Australian actor also talked smack about Star-Lord who famously broke down in Titan that foiled the Avengers attempt to steal the Infinity Gauntlet. Renner, who sat out of the movie confidently said that they could’ve just called him and this won’t happen, Cheadle complained about the forced rhyming of “Groot” and “soot,” while Evans couldn’t stop laughing at Thanos’ chin. Watch the whole clip below:

Frankly, Marvel Studios can opt to ease on the press tour for Endgame seeing the anticipation for it all over the globe. After all, they can’t really say anything pertaining to its story because as it turns out, it has more spoilers than Infinity War. However, aside from this promo round gearing towards those who may not be knee-deep into the MCU, seeing the actors inhabiting this franchise interact outside of their roles is a treat for loyal followers of the universe. Last year, some of them skipped the interviews to give way for those who were dusted off by the end of Avengers 3. But with Evans and Renner now joining the fray, the original six Earth’s Mightiest Heroes - who will be front and center in the film can promote potentially their last outing as a team.

It’s no secret that some, if not most of the founding heroes of MCU, are bidding the franchise goodbye through Avengers: Endgame, and it was clever of Marvel Studios to shift the focus back on the core Earth’s Mightiest Heroes for their Phase 3 capper. Not only will it drive up the nostalgia factor, it also gives the public the proper opportunity to send of these beloved heroes and the actors playing them who fans may not see for a while (or ever) back on the big screen.

More: Key Tony Stark & Steve Rogers Endgame Trailer Moment May Not Be In The Film

Source: Jimmy Kimmel Live!

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