Marvel Studios should consider slashing its marketing budget seeing as fans on the internet do a perfect job at hyping their movies. The lead-up to MCU films—especially Avengers films—are flooded with memes from fans who guess what will happen in the movie. Once the film itself is released, we get another wave of memes sent our way, most of which contribute to people going back to the cinema to rewatch the film. Avengers: Endgame’s release has brought out the most memes we’ve seen thus far, and there are some that will excite you enough to go and enjoy it once more. Here are ten of the best memes related to the movie.


Subtle Wordplay

This is a pretty immature meme, but there’s no denying it’ll at least get some of us chuckling. What makes it funny is that is actually an accurate representation of the scene. The beginning of the movie had Tony and Nebula horribly stranded in space aboard the Benatar, and some recalled Stan Lee’s dialogue from Captain America: Civil War.

On that occasion, Stan had mistakenly called him as “Tony Stank,” and, while that was supposed to be a funny moment, Tony being near death lost in space shouldn’t be very amusing. But it’s hard to contain at least a small chortle at this piece of wordplay.

Darkest Film Yet

Some more dark humor coming your way, and one that will hit very close to home. While most of us knew the ending of the film wouldn’t be that happy send-off, we still weren’t prepared to be hit so hard with the losses of our key heroes. The hype for Avengers: Endgame has never been the same for any other film, and fans were ecstatic to finally be able to watch the film when it was released; right after, however, not many of us were jumping for joy anymore. Someone should make a series of moods using stills of Thor to show how we all felt.

There’s a New Captain

Now that Captain America is old and grey, this meme certainly holds a lot more emotion than just hilarity. You can still perceive this as a dig at Captain America, though, since Avengers: Endgame kicked into overdrive the moment Captain Marvel arrived on Earth.

It was due to her arrival that the Avengers were able to beat Thanos within a couple of seconds. Captain Marvel not only saved Tony and Nebula, but she also took the heroes to Titan II, held Thanos in submission as Thor finished him, and then saved everyone in the final battle. Going forward, she really is the Captain now. By the way, the reference is from Captain Phillips, for those who didn’t quite catch that.

Sums Up the Story Well

Those who have already seen Avengers: Endgame can tell that there’s two times this meme would apply in the film. The first time is where they literally did go on a plan to kill Thanos on Titan II. On that occasion, this meme could also be applied to Iron Man, who the heroes tried to convince to come with him to take Thanos out.

The second time is more fitting when the heroes went in smaller groups to go and enlist Thor, Iron Man, and Hawkeye. All in all, this pretty much sums up the first half of the movie.

Thanos’ New Occupation

Basically, no one expected Thanos to go out in such meek fashion, especially not within the first fifteen minutes of the movie. It was a surprise to see him not only retired but mainly become an ill farmer who was waiting for his death. The above panel of Director Krennic from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is what all of us wanted to ask Thanos upon seeing him settle into his new role as a farmer; this was the man who had killed half of all life in the universe, after all. Then again, Thanos did seem rather peaceful before he was ambushed and decapitated.

Who’s Laughing Now?

After counting the win/loss record of the members of the Avengers, we can see that Hawkeye has a clean sweep of 3-0. He’s never been in a film where the Avengers lost, and there are people who argue had he been in Avengers: Infinity War, then Thanos would never have won.

A fan of Hawkeye must have made this meme in response to the Avengers seeking Hawkeye out to reverse the Gauntlet’s effects. Of course, none of the Avengers ever called him the worst one, but this is a shot at the viewers who thought he wasn’t useful. Just to set the record straight, the Avengers did win in Endgame, so who’s laughing now?

Ant-Man - The Real Savior

Thor killed Thanos on Titan; Iron Man snapped Thanos from existence at the end of the film, and yet the real hero is Ant-Man. That’s because he was the one who came up with the entire plan of the Time Heist, and he was responsible for rallying everyone around in the first place. As Captain Marvel had been released just a couple months prior to Avengers: Endgame, everyone thought she’d be the hero to finish Thanos here, but the real MVP of the film was our guy Scott Lang. It’s funny to think about it considering how Ant-Man’s introduction in the film went, but it doesn’t make it any less true.

That Sacrifice

Poor Hawkeye and Black Widow got some hard luck when they were unwittingly sent to Vormir to retrieve the Stone. Had they been assigned any other location to visit, the heroes who went instead would’ve been forced to sacrifice themselves. Some people are convinced that Tony and Nebula knew all along what the price to pay was on Vormir, seeing as Nebula seemed to know a sacrifice was necessary to get the Soul Stone, based on dialogue from Avengers: Infinity War; she must have told Tony about this when they were stranded in space. All this is just assumption, though, but a small chance remains for this meme to hold some truth.

What’s Happening Here?

There’s absolutely no way anyone who hasn’t watched Avengers: Endgame will get the spoiler behind this meme. What’s funny is that this scene was what led to Steve becoming the old man we saw at the end of the film. For those who’ve watched the film, this scene from The Office references when Captain America saw Peggy Carter in her office through the window shutters. When we first watched it, it appeared to only be a reference toward his love for Peggy, but, by the conclusion, it turned out the moment was the motivation he needed to travel in time and reunite with her.