Avengers: Endgame has been released and has capped off what Marvel Studios is calling the Infinity Saga. Now that many have already seen the film, there is a lot to digest in Marvel’s 3-hour epic. The Avengers lived up to their names by taking the fight to Thanos, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

There are so many details packed in Avengers: Endgame, that it’s easy to miss plenty of them watching it for the first time. As such, here are ten things that fans will notice when watching the movie a second time. As such, a full spoiler warning is in order.


During Tony Stark’s funeral, Happy Hogan talks with Stark’s daughter in a small conversation. He asks her if there’s anything she’d like to eat, to which she answers cheeseburgers. Happy smiles and says that her dad loved cheeseburgers. This is a reference to Iron Man, when Tony Stark comes back from being taken a prisoner.

He remarks that he wants to hold a press conference and an American cheeseburger. After telling Happy to drive, he says to get a cheeseburger first (he comes to the press conference with a Burger King bag). It seems that his love of cheeseburgers is genetic.


When the Avengers decide to get the team back together, Rocket and Hulk are sent to get Thor from New Asgard. Valkyrie tells them that Thor hasn’t been seen in months, so they enter his house apprehensively. Not only has Thor gained weight, but he’s living in a man-house with Miek and Korg. Korg is playing Fortnite in the background, which leads to a funny gag. However, some may not have noticed that Korg is actually playing on a PS4, evidenced by the light bar coming from the controller. It seems that the people of New Asgard aren’t big fans of Microsoft.


Avengers: Endgame kicks off with Tony and Nebula being brought back to Earth by Captain Marvel. When Tony and Steve see each other for the first time since Captain America: Civil War, it’s clear that Tony isn’t all there. The first thing he sayss to Steve is that he “lost the kid.” This first line showcases Tony’s sheer guilt at watching Peter Parker turn into dust. Recall that, in Spider-Man: Homecoming, Tony says to Peter, “If you die, I feel like that’s on me.” Tony watched his worst fears come true, which is the only thing he could talk about when seeing the Avengers again.


It was all but confirmed that Captain America would be donning his scale armor once more, but it was subtle how it was introduced. Throughout the time-traveling sequence, Captain America was wearing his outfit from The Avengers. He didn’t don the scale armor until the team had assembled a new Infinity Gauntlet. It’s unclear where the new suit came from or why it would be a different design, but it does hearken to his appearance in the comics. Considering Captain America’s other iconic moments in the movie, it’s fitting that it would be the time to bring out this suit.


The opening scene for Avengers: Endgame depicts Hawkeye spending time with his family. He’s teaching his daughter how to shoot a bow and arrow while his wife prepares them hot dogs. We don’t get name drops for his children other than one: Nate. Nathaniel Pietro Barton was the child born to Hawkeye and his wife in Avengers: Age of Ultron, named after both Black Widow and Quicksilver. This is a subtle tease at Hawkeye’s close relationship to Black Widow, which makes it all the more tragic when she sacrifices herself so he can get the Soul Stone. Now, his son honors two people who sacrificed themselves for him.


After the dust clears and the funeral is over, Captain America has one job left to do: return the Infinity Stones to their original locations in the timeline. He chooses to do this job by himself, saying his farewells to both Sam Wilson and Bucky. When talking to Bucky, he tells his friend to not do anything stupid while he’s gone. Bucky remarks, “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.” This was a line the two shared in Captain America: The First Avenger before Steve got the super soldier serum. It was a nice callback before Steve decided to live out his life.


During the final battle, there was no single shot that brought all of the MCU characters into one frame. Instead, that shot was cleverly implemented during Tony Stark’s funeral. The camera pans through those at the funeral, showing every character there.

The best part is that it’s more than just the heroes who showed. That said, there was one teenager that most people wouldn’t recognize at first glance. Upon further inspection, it was revealed that this was Harley Keener, the boy from Iron Man 3 who temporarily housed Tony. It seems that Tony’s death spread across the world like wildfire.


Joe Russo has a tendency to cameo in the movies he directs. In Avengers: Endgame, he has a cameo appearance during Captain America’s grief counseling group. He is one of the attendees who remarks a personal story about going on a date, only for both him and his date to cry about the people they lost in the Decimation. Captain America then relates his story of being frozen in ice and losing everyone he loved, encouraging the group that they need to move on. It’s one of Russo’s longer cameos, so more eagle-eyed viewers will probably spot it right away.


Tony had a rough time with his father, Howard Stark. However, there was still a bit of love for him, as evidenced in Avengers: Endgame. When Tony and Steve go to the 1970s to take back the Space Stone, Tony meets up with his father. The two share conversations about parenthood, which moves Tony greatly. After saying his goodbyes, Howard goes to his car, where his butler Jarvis is waiting for him. This is the same Edwin Jarvis who appeared in the Agent Carter TV series. This is a major tie from the movies to the TV shows, as most references usually go the other way around.


During the final battle, Thanos realizes that he’s starting to lose. This motivates him to have his ship fire a barrage of blasts on the battlefield, destroying both the Avengers and his own soldiers. Many of the heroes are seen taking cover from the blast, including Rocket and Groot.

This time, though, Rocket shields Groot with his own body, screaming in the process. Rocket already learned to accept his family in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, but lost them in Avengers: Infinity War. Seeing Groot turned to dust, it only makes sense that Rocket would now put his life on the line for his surrogate son.