The show may have been called Avatar: The Last Airbender, but the series sure had a lot of firebenders walking around. To be fair, when an entire nation has nearly succeeded in taking over the entire planet, it makes sense that said nation would make up the bulk of the population.

Fans were treated to some first-class bending for three seasons while the hit children’s show ran on Nickelodeon, but firebenders were undoubtedly the most abundant throughout the series. With that in mind, let’s take a look at our list of the top 10 firebenders from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Jeong Jeong

It should speak volumes about the number of master firebenders introduced by the series that the very first entry was a highly-ranked member of the coveted White Lotus. Jeong Jeong was Aang’s first firebending teacher (though, he didn’t teach him anything besides how to burn Katara) and was a living legend as the first person to successfully abandon the fire-nation army.

Jeong was Zhao’s original tutor, although he was about as successful with him as he was with Aang. Stick to fighting, Jeong Jeong, you’re not so good with the teaching.

Sun Warriors

The only members on this list that the audience never got to see in battle, the ancient society of Sun-Warriors still deserve a spot as they are the original wielders of the flame. The dragons passed down the first fire to the first of the Sun-Warriors, who kept it going for over a thousand years.

They were responsible for keeping the secret about the last two remaining dragons and would guide any firebender to the masters if they wished to be judged. Respect needs to be given where it’s due, and any society that could last for over a thousand years has to be respected.


This man was a Fire Lord and he still only ranks at number eight. Again - a lot of impressive fire-wielding happens during this show. Audiences may have only gotten to see Sozin in action for one episode when Aang and Zuko simultaneously learned about their shared history, but that one episode was more than enough to show audiences how menacing Zuko’s great-grandfather could be.

Sozin was the one who started the Hundred Year War when he decimated the Air Nomads and then spent the entirety of his life searching for the new Avatar.


That’s right, the Avatar barely squeaks into the top seven. Admittedly, some of the firebending techniques Aang used during the final battle against Ozai were pretty insane. However, those particular moves were enhanced by Sozin’s comet and the Avatar State so Aang can’t take all the credit for them.

Aang may have only had the bending ability for less than half a season, but he quickly became adept at wielding the burning element and could use it just as efficiently as any of the others that he had at his disposal.


By this point, focusing on how many bad-ass firebenders the show had is starting to get redundant. Roku was an Avatar, so it’s no surprise that he’s a master of the flames; unlike Aang, Roku was born into the fire-nation and was already a firebending prodigy when he got the news that he was also going to become master of all four elements.

Roku helped Aang out numerous times throughout Avatar: The Last Airbender and audiences were rightfully humbled by the former Avatar’s skills.


As sure as sky bison and badgermoles would be on a list for airbenders and earthbenders, the dragons earn their rightful spot on the list of firebenders as the original wielders of the inferno. Up until the middle of season 3, the only glimpse of dragons provided was in the spirit world whenever Aang encountered Roku’s animal-guide.

But then, the show threw audiences for a loop when they divulged that there were still two dragons alive and well, being guarded by the ancient Sun-Warriors. The dragons ended up judging Iroh, and then Zuko and Aang many years later, and deemed them all worthy.

Fire Lord Ozai

We’ve reached the Fire-Nation royal family and won’t be leaving it until the end of the list, with the world’s worst father making his way into the number four spot. Fire Lord Ozai was the main antagonist throughout the series, despite not showing his face until the season 3 premiere, and made for one of the scariest, most vicious villains in the entire Avatar universe.

Audiences didn’t get to see his firebending in action until he tried to kill his own son, Zuko, and then again when he battled against Aang in the series finale. Luckily, Lion-Turtle beats fire every time.


Zuko might have started as a villain, but fans always knew that there had to be more to the teenager with a scar on his face. And, they were right. Zuko was never the most gifted or skillful firebender, but what he lacked in talent he more than made up for with ferocity.

After being disowned, banished, and scarred-for-life, Zuko was understandably a little angry at the world and used his aggression to fuel his bending abilities. He switched to a more healthy method when he learned the true meaning of firebending from the rainbow fire tornado made by the dragons and became even more proficient at his craft.


If this were a list of the top tea-makers in the Avatar universe, it’d be a pretty short list since Iroh would probably be the only one on it. However, it turned out that the wise and lovable Uncle Iroh was just as proficient at firebending, as he could go toe-to-toe with any other flame-wielder.

Fire Lord Ozai’s older brother and rightful heir to the throne, Iroh quickly became one of the most prolific and relatable characters on the show, despite hardly lifting a finger to exhibit his bending prowess. As it turned out, the Dragon of the West was aptly named and proved numerous times that his firebending was top-notch.


Evil, cunning, sadistic, and deranged; the list of horrid descriptive words could go on and on, but it’s undeniable that Azula was the most proficient firebender that the Avatar universe had ever seen. Audiences were quite satisfied with Zuko as he seemed to be a worthy antagonist for the first season, but nobody was ready for the lightning-storm introduced in season 2 in the form of his little sister.

Azula was the only firebender who could make blue flames (which meant they were hotter) and had already mastered the ability to create lightning by the age of 14. She might have been a spoiled, twisted, she-demon, but her bending was truly something to behold.