The experience of a Brisbane woman provides a handy reminder to exercise caution when buying gadgetry via classified ad sites.

The Herald Sun (via Gizmodo) reports that the 21-year-old paid AUS$1500 (US$1335) for what she thought were two seemingly-new iPhones, boxed and sealed, without checking inside. Once she got home, she unsealed the two boxes to find each did indeed contain an apple – unfortunately it was the fruit rather than the phone.

We don’t know whether the scammer had a cruel sense of humor, or somehow imagined the ruse might allow them to talk their way out of it if caught, but a few simple precautions are always advised when buying from a stranger. Always meet in a public place like a coffee-shop, scout out a nearby ATM that you can use to withdraw the cash after you’ve checked the goods – and of course always open the boxes and make sure the products are fully-functional.

When the buyer returned home she opened the phone boxes to find apples in them – real apples, not the iPhone variety.

There’s a handy checklist in this Apple Support Communities thread.