Well, that’s according to an executive from one of Apple’s Australian networks, who told local publication ChannelNews: “We know what is coming. We have seen the new device and it will be available on our network as soon as it is launched in the USA.” Oh, but it gets better. The exec reveals: “By Christmas, this phone will be capable of 42Mbps, making it faster than a lot of broadband offerings and the fastest iPhone on any network in the world.” Why? Well, essentially its because the network offers support for 3G standard, HSDPA (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access). Capable of 14.4Mbps right now, the network has already committed to support for speeds of 21Mbps by the end of the year, and 42Mbps for phones compatible with HSPA+ (also known as Evolved HSPA or  HSPA Evolution) by 2009.  “We believe that this will be a major driver for many peope to invest in a new smart phone it will will also create a big buzz as many vendors plan to launch new smart phones at the same time” the loose-lipped Telstra exec also added. This clearly suggests iPhone will support that wireless standard, and hints Australian users can expect that higher speed to be supported on any compatible device sooner than originally promised.