Attack on Titan 2 is a video game that lets players relive the story of the anime Attack on Titan by playing as various characters over the course of the series. It effortlessly recaptures the show’s essence by letting players play out moments from the anime. From playing as characters such as Eren and Levi to battling Titans, this game is a love letter to the anime’s fans. And one prominent theme is present throughout the game like the anime: death.

The anime features lots of death as humans wage war against the giant humanoid man-eating Titans. Attack on Titan 2 does an impeccable job of replicating the anime, including the various deaths. But for those wishing to bring back those lost for the game’s everyday life, there are ways to bring them back. Here is a look at how to save dead characters after completing the main story in Attack on Titan 2.

Complete the Attack On Titan 2 Main Story First

Before going back to save dead characters, players must complete the main story first. Afterward, they will receive a pop-up that says “save those who fell in battle on previous missions.” For players to go back to past missions, they will need to venture to the barracks and talk to a person with the cadet icon above them.

That person is the key for players to revisit past missions. Now, in order to save previously deceased characters, players must complete special side missions. These particular tasks act like regular side missions encountered within the original missions, except they will be marked by yellow or gold icons. These icons appear within a specific timeframe and are hard to miss.

Saving Mina & Thomas in Attack On Titan 2

Mina and Thomas will die very early on in “First Battle.” Like the anime, they will both die at the hands of the Titans, but players can give them a second chance at life.

All players need to do is replay “First Battle” and complete the side missions. After completing some of the side missions, a new one will appear and that is where players can save them. For this special assignment, players must help Mina and Thomas fend off their Titan attackers and they will be saved.

Saving Ian & Mitabi in Attack on Titan 2

Ian and Mitabi’s mission is “Primal Roar.” During the mission, Titan Eren will be moving a boulder to block the hole in the Trost District created by the Colossal Titan’s kick. Before Titan Eren can move the boulder, players will have to defend him from attacking Titans. Eventually, Eren will pick up the boulder, and players will have to continue fending off the Titan onslaught and completing the green side missions along the way.

After defeating some Titans and accomplishing some side missions, a yellow flare will be signaled. This is where players go to rescue Ian and Mitabi from the Titans. Players just need to kill the attacking Titans and Ian and Mitabi are rescued.

Save Marco in Attack On Titan 2

Marco’s mission is also “Primal Roar.” For this particular side quest, it is after the cutscene that features Levi and his squad. Players will then be given control of Levi and his team.

Once in control, players can use Levi and his teammates to go save Marco. A yellow flare will appear and that is where players must save Marco from the Titans.

Levi Squad’s Mission in Attack On Titan 2

Levi Squad’s mission takes place in “Choices and Consequences.” This one plays a little differently from the previous rescue missions. During the mission, Levi Squad will be escorting Eren through the forest and a scout will appear seeking help.

Players must help the scout and then he will set up a base within the forest. Once that’s done, a yellow flare will appear and players can go save Levi Squad from their demise.

Saving Miche in Attack On Titan 2

Miche’s assignment transpires in the mission “Beast Titan.” His rescue quest will take place towards the end of the mission. Players must complete all the green side missions within “Beast Titan.”

After completing the green sidequests, a yellow mission will appear to go and save Miche. Players must finish the green side quests first, otherwise, Miche’s mission will not appear.

Save Gelgar & Nanaba in Attack On Titan 2

Gelgar and Nanaba’s mission is “Utgard Castle.” This assignment is drastically different from the previous rescue missions. To save the pair, players must escort the duo to their horses and they will leave the mission area. To make this happen, players must play through “Utgard Castle.” At the very beginning of the mission, Gelgar and Nanaba will leave and players are required to build bases around the castle to fend off the attacking Titans.

As the mission progresses, a yellow flare will appear and players can go to save Gelgar and Nanaba. These two will then require players to journey with them to their horses. Once Gelgar and Nanaba arrive and mount their horses, they will leave the mission and be saved.

Save Hannes in Attack On Titan 2

Hannes is the last character that can be saved during the post-completion playthrough of Attack on Titan 2. Hannes’s mission appears in “Charge.” To unlock his mission, players must finish all the green side quests.

Once those are complete, towards the end of the mission, a yellow flare will signal Hannes’ mission. Players just have to save him from his deathly fate and he will appear back in everyday life along with the other characters players have rescued.

More: What To Expect From Attack On Titan Season 4

Attack on Titan 2 is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows and Stadia.