Wireless data hogs who jam the airwaves by watching video on their iPhones will be put on tighter leashes, …[AT&T] will also give high-bandwidth users incentives to “reduce or modify their usage.” Just 3 percent of “smart” phone users are consuming 40 percent of the network capacity, de la Vega said, adding that the most high-bandwidth activity is video and audio streaming. Several applications on the iPhone provide nonstop Internet radio. De la Vega also defended the network’s performance, saying testing showed that AT&T’s third-generation, or 3G, network was faster than that of competitors, and that major problems are concentrated in New York and San Francisco, which are packed with smart phone users. AT&T has already pushed iPhone Tethering back into 2010 with no hard date in sight. In related news, UStream broadcaster got accepted into the App Store last night.