AT&T’s president and chief executive John Stankey made some interesting 4G LTE-related announcements this morning at the Barclays Capital Global Communications, Media and Technology Conference. The carrier will roll out fourth-generation LTE technology in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, he promised. Ten additional markets in the US will get LTE by the end of the year, with the ultimate goal of reacing 70 million Americans with LTE by year’s end. He was also quote in AT&T’s press release, included in its entirety below:

The next network evolution will arrive this summer with the addition of LTE in five markets – Dallas, Houston, Chicago, Atlanta and San Antonio. We plan to add another 10 or more markets in the second half of the year, and cover 70 million Americans with LTE by year-end. We also have plans to add 20 4G devices to our robust device portfolio this year, with some of those being LTE capable.

We’re positioning to deliver a great mobile broadband experience in the near term with HSPA+ and a growing LTE footprint.

We’ve invested $75 billion in our wireless and wired networks over the last four years – more capital invested in the U.S. than any company in any industry. And we plan to invest $19 billion in our wireless and wireline networks and other capital projects this year. The investments we’ve made to evolve our mobile broadband network in recent years, plus what we have planned for the future, put our customers in position to benefit fully from a host of coming mobile broadband innovations.