AT&T today informed customers of Apple’s iPad WiFI + 3G that they can now manage their devices account and data plans on any computer with an internet connection and a web browser. New users of the iPad 3G are given brand-new accounts in which they can manage their iPad’s data plan on a month-to-month basis. Prior to today’s change, iPad 3G users would need to manage their iPads data right on the iPad via the ‘cellular data’ settings pane. Now, users can manage their data by heading to and clicking on the “add data now” section on the middle of the page on the right side. AT&T notes that you can now also use this website to setup and manage new iPad 3G devices you purchase. This will come in handy if you want to make quick changes to your iPad data account anywhere you are. You are no longer limited to using your iPad to make these changes. This sadly will also come in handy if you happen to lose your iPad 3G for any reason. You will now be able to easily cancel your 3G service until you find it or get a new unit. AT&T announcement is after the break: