If you’re feeling jealous of any friends grandfathered into an existing AT&T unlimited data plan (especially since ‘unlimited’ was redefined from ‘5GB before throttling kicks in’ to ’22GB before throttling if congested’), the company has good news: it is  launching a brand new version of unlimited data tomorrow.

Pricing starts at $100/month for a single line, plus $40 for each individual line. Unfortunately, there’s bad news too. As The Verge notes, there are some pretty big catches – the biggest of which is that you need to be a DirecTV or U-Verse subscriber to even  be eligible, which of course adds to the cost if you don’t already have a subscription …

The plan is also limited to smartphones. If you want to use it on your iPad, you’ll need to fork out a further $40/month to add a tablet so this plan can quickly get pricey.

If you want the plan but don’t currently have a qualifying TV subscription, the cheapest deal is a DirecTV package at $19.99/month. Alternatively, if you’re racking up the data mostly from streaming video, you may want to check out T-Mobile’s Binge On program, which doesn’t count data usage from a growing number of streaming video services.