This will allow apps like Skype and Vonage (and Comcast VOIP?) to operate outside the bounds of Wifi.  Skype VoIP over 3G works pretty well on the iPhone – we tried it way back when it wasn’t blocked.  All that needs to happen now is an OS update by Apple.  We’re waiting patiently… Press release and video of Skype calling over 3G  below:


DALLAS, October 6, 2009 – AT&T* today announced it has taken the steps necessary so that Apple can enable VoIP applications on iPhone to run on AT&T’s wireless network. Previously, VoIP applications on iPhone were enabled for Wi-Fi connectivity. For some time, AT&T has offered a variety of other wireless devices that enable VoIP applications on 3G, 2G and Wi-Fi networks. AT&T this afternoon informed Apple Inc. and the FCC of its decision.   AT&T allows customers to download or launch on their wireless devices a multitude of compatible applications directly from any lawful Internet website. Additionally, because AT&T uses GSM technology, the most pervasive and open wireless technology platform in the world, we support customers using any GSM phone that works on AT&T’s frequencies. *AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc.