The fantasy comic series, Asunda, is slated for its own drama adaptation at HBO. The fantasy comics take place in the titular location but contain a shared universe of titles such as Niobe, Dusu, Erathune, Essessa, and The Untamed.

The comics hail from creator Sebastian A. Jones’ independent publishing company, Stranger Comics, along with the help of Kickstarter campaigns that helped bring the series to fruition. They are similar in tone to HBO’s current fantasy epic, Game of Thrones, and inspired by J.R.R Tolkien’s Middle-earth series mixed with a little bit of Greek Mythology. Though there are many titles under the umbrella of Asunda, the main story focuses on a young orphan girl named Niobe Ayutami who’s born of two different nations. She’s raised in the small desert town of Oasis and winds up on a quest to find her ancestors and bring them together to ward off an ancient enemy.

According to Deadline, Asunda is currently in development at HBO with Jones set to co-write and executive produce the show alongside Mimi DiTrani. The series’ announcement comes at the perfect time, with the network’s current fantasy series, Game of Thrones, coming to an end this spring after eight incredible seasons. Asunda won’t be the only fantasy series making its debut on the platform, though, as a Game of Thrones prequel spinoff series, rumored to be titled The Long Night, is already in the works for the company. Production on The Long Night is set to begin this summer, with an estimated release date leaning towards 2020. So, if Asunda is expected to be as grandiose as Game of Thrones, nothing may be available until 2021.

No other major announcements have been made about HBO’s upcoming project, but the network is looking to focus the show around the series’ most well-known character, Niobe. Her adventures have held the strongest focus in the franchise and are chronicled in two other titles in the Asunda series: Niobe: She Is life and Niobe: She Is Death. Both titles explore her journey to learn more about her past and how she can help save her home of Oasis from mystical beings.

HBO has proven that they’re willing to take the risk when it comes to sinking money into projects rooted in fantasy. On the heels of Game of Thrones’ epic series finale, an investment like this is a brilliant idea to keep fans of Westeros on their toes and excited about the platform’s upcoming slate of releases. Niobe’s story will be a thrilling installment alongside Game of Thrones’ prequel series.

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Source: Deadline