But it won’t be today. Call me old-fashioned, but email is still my command center. I use it for all my official communications, for my to-dos, important documents, receipts, and for keeping in touch with my friends and family. I have Instagram and Facebook and Twitter and I’ve heard of Snapchat (kidding, Andre covers Snapchat quite often) but at the end of the day, email is where it’s at for me. Not only that, I check my email on my phone far more often than I do on my computer. So, the email app I use on my iPhone is a pretty big deal. Every now and then, I get the idea that I’m going to change my life, starting with the way I manage and use my email inbox. And many an app or service has stepped up with an offer to make that happen. Sometimes for free. Sometimes not. I’ve even gotten pretty excited about a particular email service or app. But for whatever reason—habit, user-friendliness, feature limitations—I sort of settle back to the familiar. Today, I use the official Gmail app on my phone. For a long time, I resisted. I used Apple’s native Mail app because it was quick and seamless. Then, I switched to Newton because it was fast, clean and had nifty features like the snooze, send later, and most amazingly to me, read receipts. I’ve tried Google Inbox multiple times but I just can’t get used to it (it gives me anxiety for anyone or anything to sort my emails for me in any way other than chronologically). I’m very happy with the Gmail app. It feels just as seamless as the native Mail app and it integrates quite nicely with Chrome, which is my browser of choice. My deep investment in the Google ecosystem makes it an even more logical choice. That being said, I’m still open to something better, if it’s out there. So, dear reader, I’m wondering:

Which mail app do you use on your phone?

Tell me about your favorite mobile app for email. How long have you used it? What is the must-have feature about it? What does it lack? Have you tried any of the email apps I mentioned? What’d you think? Answer any or all of those questions—I’d love to know! Leave a comment and check back later. I’ll add some of the more insightful nuggets back to the body of this post. With these annoyances, I am starting to switch to Gmail. Less hassle and just gets me my mail. Tried other apps, this for me is the best premium email app. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it !!! :) What emerges is a well-ordered set of messages that are of current or potential interest to me. Not every email is read by me, but if the source or the subject is of a high level of interest, I can set the flag for that message, when I do my initial scan. Some days I don’t flag any message; on other days, there may be several items that I need to pursue. By this means I can approach the ‘zero inbox’ syndrome, but that isn’t too useful. I much prefer what I do have – a reading list that focuses on my particular interests. With respect to the future, I have to think about a way to generalize the method, by permitting a user to fashion his/her own interest profile. But that may be difficult to do. But I see what you mean. Your set up is sort of similar to when I used to use a lot of RSS feeds. And it’s sort of how I handle the various podcasts I follow. Nice to be able to scan what’s new and see what piques my interest. Might not delve into each one, but I like to see what’s coming down the transom. Yes – I receive e-mail messages from a wide range of sources. And I, too, am addicted to new and accurate information. My selection process is a bit cumbersome. I blame the limited functionality and lack of precision of Gmail search. Of course, I do not have a User Guide. Is there such a document for Gmail on Windows? If you know of such, I would appreciate hearing how to find it on the Net. Cheers, Maurice Brown If you’re not using them already, filters can help out a lot. You just gotta tweak your search strings to get you exactly what you want. https://www.groovypost.com/howto/clean-up-gmail-inbox-using-filters/ Some tips: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7190?hl=en It sort of sounds like Inbox might get you started in the right direction, but if you’re like me, the way it automates things may give you a bit of anxiety. I use the Windows 10 Google Chrome browser and load my gmail messages, through the GMAIL App.. Then messages are channelled using filters, into their proper destination ‘folders’. This is done, while I am doing my initial scan using Gmail for IOS (REV: 5.0170813) on my iPad. This version seems to be updated frequently, although I don’t track it’s changes. I am generally not near my desktop, but, if necessary, I can access that machine Via a Splashtop remote connection from my iPad. The setup is very specific to my areas of interest. I have looked at Inbox to see if it can match this. I have my doubts. What I really need are the rules to be followed in labelling the incoming messages. BTW I use the Mail app for Ios to handle 4 different email streams – ID@icloud.com, ID@xxxx.net, proxy@gmail.com & ID@gmail.com. These are all funnelled through the desktop machine, but can be process ed through the iPad, immediately. Of the 4 email streams, one is for an Apple server, one for an IMAP server, and two for GMAIL. Maurice Brown Thanks for the reference to Blue mail. I will check it out. Maurice Brown Comment