Spotify this week announced a new “RISE” program that’s eerily similar to Apple Music’s “Up Next” series. Both aim to highlight up and coming artists that represent the future of music, and Apple has showcased many of its artists prominently on Apple Music and on TV.

Which some coincidence in timing, Apple this week filed for a trademark for Apple Music Up Next…

As Patently Apple explains, Apple has filed two figurative trademark applications this week for “Apple Music UP NEXT.” In its application, Apple explained that its trademark will cover:

Apple pointed to its branding in iTunes and Apple Music as examples of Up Next, highlighting the curation aspect of the feature, as well as its multimedia engagement.

The timing very well could be a coincidence, but one has ot imagine that Apple smelled Spotify’s incoming competition and wanted to be able to protect itself should things take a turn for the worst.

Spotify’s RISE program will promote up and coming artists across various platforms, not limited to just Spotify. Delta Airlines will promote RISE artists in-inflght, as there will be a slew of video and music content available for consumption through the program.

Apple’s picks for Up Next have grown to be incredibly popular and include artists such as Daniel Caeser, Billie Ellish, Sigrid, 6LACK and more.