We first started hearing whispers of a Space Black iPhone 7 in June, with claimed chassis and component leaks since then appearing to support the new darker model. New photos (above) emerged over the weekend – albeit low-quality ones, and from a source that has previously posted photos of likely mockups rather than the real thing.

But with a Space Black iPhone 7 seeming a likely bet, we thought it would be interesting to pull together a few of the renders we’ve seen so far and find out how popular an option the color is likely to be …

One question we asked before was how likely a Space Black color was to persuade you to upgrade to an iPhone 7 if you were previously wondering whether an upgrade would be worthwhile this year. In that poll, views were pretty much evenly split between those who said that it would encourage an upgrade and those for whom it didn’t make enough of a difference.

So today’s poll is aimed specifically at those already planning to buy the iPhone 7, asking you which of the likely colors you intend to choose.

But let’s start with a better idea of what a Space Black iPhone 7 might look like, from a variety of renders we’ve seen to date.

Here’s Martin Hajek’s take:

A render from @appledesigner shows something looking rather too much like a glass back, but it at least lets us get a sense of the color:

Here’s one from ShaiMizerachi, with silver antenna lines:

Finally, here’s a reminder of the existing color range for the iPhone 6s:

I recommend using Martin Hajek’s render in order to assess the appeal of Space Black. So, based on this, if you’re planning to buy the iPhone 7, which color do you see yourself going for? We’ve omitted the once-rumored blue, as this is looking less likely to be real. Please take our poll and share your thoughts in the comments.