Just like Apple did with the iCloud system backup service, Apple has announced that they will reset iTunes Match iCloud libraries on Monday, September 26th. The above image has just appeared in iTunes, noting the reset, and Apple has also begun emailing iTunes Match subscribers. Interestingly, Apple says in this email that it “has become necessary” to reset iTunes Match libraries in order to improve the service’s reliability and overall quality.

Apple says that the reset will occur at 9 AM PDT / 10 AM PST and says that all users of the iTunes Match service will need to turn off iTunes Match on both their Macs and iOS devices. Songs stored on your devices, but not directly on the cloud, will not be affected. Apple will be conducting this reset as part of their final preparations for an early to mid-October launch of iCloud and iOS 5. Final iCloud details will likely be announced at an October 4th iPhone 5 event. The e-mail to iTunes Match subscribers is after the break…