Being a superhero is sometimes a lonely road, with any relationship being a distraction and possible danger for your loved one. The couples that stick together through the thick and thin are couples stronger than the heroes themselves. Unfortunately, not every relationship is meant to last or at least meant to even be.

We’ve seen some couples we cheer on and couples we wish would just split up due to the weird tension or the awkward pairing. Whether it was the cheesy dialogue or the lack of compatibility, here are five couples we cheer on and five we wish would just break up.

Perfect:  Kate Kane & Sophie Moore

The pilot of Batwoman shows Kate Kane recovering from a tough breakup with her college sweetheart Sophie Moore. Whenever they share any screen time you can tell the love is there, but with Sophie marrying another man, the tension is awkward and fans sort of cheer on Kate to move on. But we can’t deny the love Sophie has for her former flame by attempting to protect Kate in several ways in the first season. Add in the fact Sophie is more than capable of holding her own in a fight, the two have a lot in common and Kate never has to worry about her ever being in trouble. But Sophie is a little more level headed and calm whereas Kate is more rash and impulsive. But they say, opposites attract.

No Sense: Oliver Queen & Felicity Smoak

The show paints these two as a lovely couple but we know they are anything but. Felicity is a fun, wise-cracking hacking genius that never takes anything seriously and Oliver is the complete opposite. Although it’s up for debate if Oliver needs a light like Felicity in his life, we know that Felicity deciding to get in any sort of relationship with Oliver is just a road to heartbreak. Whether it’s Oliver being dishonest with her, almost getting her killed on several occasions or even most recently leaving her alone to raise their daughter, Felicity hasn’t gotten much out of their relationship. Maybe she was better off with Ray or even Barry.

Perfect: Barry Allen & Iris West

How much more perfect can you get? Barry has loved Iris since he was 10 years old and even after becoming the Flash he still loved her even when she’s dating Eddie Thawne. Add in the fact they are literally destined to be together both in the comics and in the show, we’ve been pushing for this pairing since the first episode in season 1. Iris is Barry’s lightning rod and the reason he’s the Flash, Barry is the reason Iris is fearless and a proven leader of Team Flash. They support each other and always come running back to each other. They have a love we wish we all had.

No Sense:  Caitlin Snow & Hunter Zolomon

At first Hunter (Jay) and Caitlin seemed to have some chemistry whenever they shared a moment. We all pulled for them due to Caitlin’s previous heartbreak and Hunters do good attitude. They seemed like a match made in heaven. Unfortunately, all that changed when the team found out the Hunter had been faking his identity and was actually Zoom, the big bad in Season 3 of The Flash. 

He takes Caitlin hostage and pretty much forces her to love him back in return for letting her friends live. She comes back to the team traumatized, malnourished and hell-bent on taking him down. Not a great way to treat your loved one.

Perfect: Clark Kent & Lois Lane

Another couple that was destined to be together. Although we haven’t seen much of the two and their perfect compatibility, we’ve seen glimpses and can prove these two are meant for each other. Lois the loudmouth and fearless reporter and the Man of Steel truly care for each other and as we’ve seen in many incarnations of the couple, Superman would drop anything to save Lois. We could assume it’s much of the same in the Arrowverse as Clark constantly relies on Lois to search for guidance and reassurance and Lois looks to Clark in the same way. They feed off each other’s love and like Barry and Iris, they have something we all wish we had.

No Sense:  Mia Smoak & Connor Hawke

On paper, these two are the perfect couple. They’re both the kids of superheroes and both have similar values and approaches to problems. Unfortunately, that’s where their comparisons end. Mia, like her father, is very brash and impulsive, she doesn’t care who she hurts or how she gets to her goal, and she never really seems interested in showing her emotions. Connor wears his heart on his sleeve.

He shows his love for his evil adopted brother, he makes it very obvious he likes Mia, and he breaks down when he sees his father in his travels to the past. Mia often mistakes Connors’s compassion for weakness and oftentimes wants nothing to do with him, although they eventually work together and share a little bit of romance. But overall they don’t make a good pairing.

Perfect: Roy Harper & Thea Queen

For these two it was love at first sight. Oliver’s prodigy and sister fell in love shortly after meeting and although they’ve had a rocky relationship, they consistently show their love for each other by always coming back to one another. Both taking up the mantle of “speedy” Thea and Roy are almost matched in their combat skills and archery and have even been fought side by side proficiently on several occasions so we know they’re never in any danger when they’re together. As of now, they are apart but as Arrow comes to an end, we might see them come together once again.

No Sense: Felicity Smoak & Barry Allen

Looks like Felicity might just not be meant for love. Although they are very similar in personalities and maintain a good relationship even after they both get married, Barry and Felicity just aren’t meant to be a couple.

Maybe it’s the fact Barry was never fully committed to liking anyone other than Iris or maybe it was just the fact they just weren’t meant for each other living in different cities. Although they wouldn’t make a good couple, they sure make a good friendship that the fans love seeing whenever they crossover.

Perfect: Kara & Mon-El

Their relationship wasn’t always perfect. As a matter of fact, Kara hated Mon-el at first because he was self-centered and arrogant. Their relationship had a rocky start and no one ever expected them to fall in love. Fortunately for Supergirl fans, Mon-el learned the error of his ways, followed Kara’s guidance and became the hero that he was meant to be. Even in their relationship, they had ups and downs but in the end, Mon-el was able to declare his love and the couple lived happily ever after… or until Mon-el had to leave earth for reasons beyond their control.

No Sense: Nyssa Al Ghul & Sarah Lance

This pairing came from the first couple of seasons of Arrow after Sarah comes back from the dead. It is revealed she had a romance with Nyssa in the five years she was stranded after being in the same boat that stranded Oliver on the island all those years. Although Nyssa shows her love for Sarah it is more than obvious Nyssa isn’t one to settle down and marry (unless it’s to be the next Ras Al Ghuls wife) and Sarah has no time with her saving the world from threats in time and space. Even when they’re both onscreen, there isn’t much chemistry and the pairing is just awkward. It’s safe to say fans hoped for their breakup as soon as it was obvious the show was going towards having them as a couple.