The Arrowverse has had a number of complex relationships and friendships across the various shows that it produces. A number of them have been symbols of true friendship and are really inspiring for viewers to watch.

However, others have deeply floored in their relationships. Whether it’s based on their actions, villainous turns or perhaps the way in which they treat one another, there is a lack of trust within these friendships. Here are the best 5 and worst 5 friendships across the Arrowverse.


Oliver and the original Laurel were obviously incredibly close. After Oliver’s initial betrayal though, their relationship fell apart. Over time they learned to love one another again and also support each other as friends. Then, the original Laurel died.

Laurel from Earth 2 was brought in as the Black Siren. She has been somewhat redeemed since being part of Team Arrow but she is prepared to betray Oliver and isn’t exactly kind to him. There’s a lack of trust in that friendship that doesn’t add up or is worthy of the title at all.


The Legends are a strange family of misfits, heroes, and villains. They were put together in order to save time from Vandall Savage and have stayed together ever since. They are completely dysfunctional but that’s why they are so lovable.

They look after one another and any loss is a genuine blow to them. They live and work together on a day to day basis and they are a better team when their relationships are stronger. The team has been together for so long now we can’t imagine it ever disbanding.


Lena and Kara have a significant amount of distrust in their relationship. The duo started off on awkward footing because of the Luthor name and Kara’s secret identity. However, over the show’s history, they have become incredibly close.

Despite all of this though, Lena finding out about the Supergirl secret has destroyed their friendship. Lena is now looking for ways to find revenge and is acting more like the Luthor that Kara was worried about. This ‘friendship’ is certainly on thin ice.


While the relationship between James and Kara never worked out, their friendship absolutely flourished. As the show has continued to develop into what we see today, the bond between these two journalists has only gotten stronger.

The duo has worked side by side as part of CatCo for some time. And although James has acted as Kara’s boss this doesn’t cause tension. Their frequent game nights are cute and James even suited up as Guardian in order to help out his best friend.


Harrison Wells has worn many faces. Some versions of the character portray him as a great friend to Team Flash. In one version, he even sacrificed himself in order to save Iris from Savitar. But the original Harrison Wells destroyed the trust in the Wells for some time.

The original Harrison acted like a mentor and a friend for a long time. He taught Barry how to be the Flash and Cisco and Caitlin knew him for even longer. When the villainous Reverse-Flash turn was revealed this showed just how fake this friendship actually was.


We briefly mentioned the bond that Caitlin and Cisco had with the original Harrison Wells. However, it’s worth pointing out that their own friendship goes way back, even before the idea of Team Flash was conceived, and before superpowers entered their lives.

Together, these two intelligent characters have dealt with a number of traumas and life-changing decisions that perhaps only they can understand. Cisco’s loss of his brother, Caitlin’s relationship with her own father, Cisco choosing to remove his powers while Killer Frost took control. Their friendship is stronger due to all of the trauma they underwent.


Caitlin and Ramsey are a recently introduced friendship that fans were prone to reject immediately. The newest villain on the block is clearly not trustworthy nor is he honorable. It’s a shame that Caitlin lost a seemingly good friend.

We never knew much about this relationship, although it seems like they were close some time ago. The cancer that has ripped through Ramsey’s family has affected him deeply and perhaps he should have relied on this friendship more to get through these devastating times.


Diggle was introduced as the bodyguard to Oliver Queen after he’d returned from the deadly island. After ducking him so many times it was very clear that something was up with the billionaire playboy. Diggle sought to find out where he kept disappearing to.

After discovering The Hood’s secret, Diggle did the honorable thing and stepped up, eventually becoming Spartan and fighting the good fight against crime in Star City. The two leaders are perfectly suited to be friends with one another. They may argue sometimes, but their bond is a brotherhood.


Future team Arrow seems to suffer from many of the problems that the early team went through. Perhaps it’s because of their age or lack of experience, or maybe because of the recent loss within their team that has ripped them apart.

Mia, William and Connor’s friendships were never really built up outside of conflict. They have been constantly fighting since they met each other and they are yet to truly have time to breathe and get to know one another. It’s a much more dysfunctional group than the Legends.


Dinah and Rene have secretly been building the best friendship in all of the Arrowverse. The two have bonded through their work with Team Arrow and have always stood by each other, at times even in the face of their leader, Oliver Queen.

They, of course, suit up and fight crime alongside one another. But their families are also interconnected. Rene’s daughter eventually joins the Canaries, while Rene works as Mayor to Dinah’s police captain role. It’s a strong bond that’s been tested and improved throughout the course of the show.