We’ve seen the heroes of the Arrowverse go through some of the most harrowing circumstances and their superhero buddies who empathize and help them get through some tough times. With most heroes teaming up on a constant basis to fight for the greater good, we some heroes click right away and others take some time to open up to each other.

While some heroes hit it off right away, others can’t stand each other and would much rather prefer to work alone rather than teaming up. Here are 5 Arrowverse bromances and five heated rivalries.

BROMANCE: The Flash/Green Arrow

Kicking off the list is the group of heroes that started it all. Oliver acts as a mentor to Barry, encouraging him (in his own broody way), training him, and offering advice when the young hero needed it. Barry knows he can depend on Oliver and Oliver doesn’t hesitate to ask for help when he needs it from Barry.

In just about every episode they’re in together, the two always share a touching moment and it’s very obvious the two have nothing but respect and love for each other. Barry even goes out of his way to bring Oliver back to life after his death in Crisis.

CAN’T STAND EACH OTHER: Green Arrow/Artemis

Although Oliver has a good relationship with Barry, it’s very clear he doesn’t like to play well with others. In season 5, he takes on a group of heroes and one of them, Artemis ends up betraying Oliver and leading him to almost getting killed.

It’s clear Oliver needs to learn some people skills as Artemis is not the first prodigy he’s taken that prefers to betray him rather than work with him.

BROMANCE:  Spartan/GreenArrow

This relationship is the definition of a bromance, with both risking their lives for each other on a regular basis. John and Oliver started off rocky but their relationship quickly changed when Dig joined the fight and helped Oliver protect Star City.

They have been through hell and back, trusting each other and strengthening their relationship every season. It’s a shame to see that we won’t see any more of this bromance but we’ve enjoyed the last eight seasons of it.

CAN’T STAND EACH OTHER: Supergirl/Green Arrow

As we said, Oliver doesn’t play well with others and his name will be mentioned a lot on this list. Although Oliver was able to see past Barry’s childlike innocence and wonder it seems that he wasn’t able to do it for Kara, perhaps considering her a threat due to her power.

He started off being cold and very distant, only addressing her when he barked out orders. Even Kara was wondering if she had done anything to offend him to which Barry reassured her he is just a moody guy.

BROMANCE: Supergirl/Batwoman

Like Oliver that cant gets along with anyone, the opposite can be said about Kara. She seems to get along with everyone due to her positive attitude and humble approach. In this instance, she hit it off right away with Batwoman and the two quickly started a strong bond.

It’s clear they respect and trust each other and that says a lot considering Kate is related to Bruce Wayne. It’s Kara that gets Kate to finally reveal her identity and accept her fate as a main hero in the Crisis.

CAN’T STAND EACH OTHER:  Lex Luthor/Supergirl

This one is obvious. Supergirl wouldn’t trust Lex Luthor if her life depended on it and for good reason, given Lex is not to be trusted. Unfortunately for Kara, Lex is a notable genius who’s intellect has sometimes been called on to save the world.

This sometimes pairs him up with the Arrowverse heroes and against her wishes, she is forced to work with him. Even if he betrays the heroes.

BROMANCE: Black Lightning/The Flash

Like Kara, Barry seems to get along with everyone, even befriending a man who’s distraught his whole world was destroyed. When Black Lightning was reasonably confused and upset about his situation, it was Barry that talked him down and convinced him to help the cause.

The two quickly made a relationship and made it very clear they thought highly of each other. With a relationship so new, fans should be excited about what can become of this dynamic in the future.

CAN’T STAND EACH OTHER: Batwoman/Green Arrow

As mentioned before, it would not be the last time Oliver would be mentioned here due to his inability to work with others. Although their relationship does improve as time goes on, it wasn’t always like that. Oliver and Kate are both used to being in charge and calling the shots so they quickly got to butting heads and getting frustrated with each other.

Considering he acts a lot like her cousin, it’s a surprise these two can’t get along any better. It’s safe to say Oliver prefers to work alone.

BROMANCE: Supergirl/The Flash

Barry is a lovable guy, there aren’t a lot of heroes that have anything bad to say about the guy. In The Flash’s second season, Barry accidentally travels to Earth-38 where he Mets Kara for the first time and the two immediately hit it off, building a relationship that’s still going strong today.  They are both huge extroverts, attempting to befriend everyone they meet and they don’t take life too seriously.

It was even hinted that they would have some romance but it was all put to bed at the end of the episode. They sang together, almost died together on several occasions. Kara even sang at Barry’s wedding.

CAN’T STAND EACH OTHER:  Monitor/ Everyone

When a guy in a strange costume and weird haircut tells you you’re going to die, it’s not going to be taken very well. So it’s reasonable that the Monitor rubbed everyone the wrong way when he tried to get a team together to save the multiverse.

If he tried another approach, the heroes would’ve trusted him earlier but since he was so direct, many refused to work with him and even planned to kill him or betray him.