The Arrowverse has come a long way in the last 8 years since Arrow helped kick-off the massive TV universe on the CW. With a total of 6 shows currently on air, with a few spin-offs in the work for next year, The CW has become the central home for superhero shows on broadcast television. What has become important to the shared universe every year though is the annual crossovers. With the massive fandom behind all shows that are on air right now, the crossovers are some of the best times for TV’s Justice League, especially with the ongoing Crisis on Infinite Earths event.

As the fandom expands for the whole universe, the internet gets more and more fan-art and memes to add as part of the experience of following these shows. Even though it’s a fairly serious franchise of shows, there are definitely moments to make fun of in these crossovers when the heroes come together to save the world. With that said, these are the 10 most hilarious Arrowverse crossover memes of all time.

DC TV Trinity

Who doesn’t love the core 3 DC TV heroes? From the hopeful Girl of Steel (Melissa Benoist), the adventurous speedster (Grant Gustin) to the brooding vigilante (Stephen Amell), these three main heroes have become a DC trinity in their own right.

The movies may have Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, but with the Arrowverse, that is their trinity. Like the other trinity, this trio has their own ways of being heroes and follow their individual rules. While Kara and Barry may be willing to sacrifice themselves or struggle with taking a life, Oliver has no problem putting an arrow into someone, even if it’s himself.

From Small to Big

There was a time when the crossovers were actually pretty small compared to what they have become now. When Arrow and The Flash first had their adventures, it was pretty low-scale. It definitely included some street fighting as well as meta-human action.

But that is nothing compared to what has come now in the last few years with Nazi versions from another universe, the reality being rewritten and now the Multiverse being in danger. This meme perfectly captures how insane it has gotten between each annual crossover.

A Crisis Mood

It’s no secret that The CW has been marketing this year’s crossover for a very long time. Ever since the end of last year’s event, fans were 100% aware of the fact that Crisis on Infinite Earths would be this year’s big event.

While all the announcements and teases got fans eager enough, it wasn’t until the trailers started coming out that the excitement got dialed up to an 11. The promos alone have been insanely intense as anything seems to be possible in happening. That’s why this meme should be pretty relatable to most fans following this crossover.

The Secret Intervention

The Invasion! crossover a few years back became a bit more dramatic than what fans were expecting. What was set to be a war against the Dominators began with the heroes pretty much scolding Barry for having caused Flashpoint after he revealed his time travel mistakes. It got to a point where it really did start to feel like a time travel intervention.

This meme is pretty much one way to look at how the heroes were dealing with Barry in that crossover. How come an intervention has yet to happen for the beloved Legends of Tomorrow that constantly mess with the timeline too?

Accurate Representation of Crisis Fans

The downside of having a 5-hour crossover this year is that the CW had to put a bit of a break after the third part. The hiatus will now last until Tuesday, January 14, 2020, where the Crisis will conclude in a big 2-hour wrap.up.

It doesn’t help that part 3 ended things on an insanely dramatic note as the heroes are now in the darkest phase of this event. That’s why this meme is so relatable when looking at Batwoman (Ruby Rose) being shaken about not only what has happened, but being forced to wait until January 14.

Accidental MCU Crossover

We get it that Barry has had a tendency of messing up the timeline with all of his time travel shenanigans. But what if future crossovers have Barry at some point accidentally go back in time and change things so much that they end up crossing over with the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Even if it’s messing with the timeline, it’s not necessarily a crossover we would be opposed to seeing.

Long-Waited Cousin Reunion

Since the day Kara first appeared in a crossover, fans have jokingly been wanting to see Brandon Routh’s Superman somehow interact with his super-cousin from another Earth.

Even though the wait was long, fans eventually did get their wish come true as this year Kara got to meet Routh’s Man of Steel in the Crisis crossover. How cute do they look together in this picture?

Elseworlds Madness

It’s fair to assume that not every fan watching the crossovers watch all the shows. Some may be watching 2 out of the 6 shows, hence not knowing some of the characters that may appear in the crossovers.

Last year, there was a point in the Elseworlds story where 3 regular Arrow baddies were turned into police officers which were an insanely hilarious scenario of seeing them in a different light. But for those who may not watch the Green Arrow drama may have been lost why it was such a big deal when these three showed up.

Supergirl vs Gotham

For several seasons, Supergirl was airing on the same night and timeslot as FOX’s Batman prequel series Gotham, making it a competitive DC night.

However, how funny would it have been if the first Flash vs Arrow showdown had been Barry being pro-Supergirl and Oliver being pro-Gotham? That’s a crossover that should have happened, without a doubt.

Crisis on Infinite Confusion

The day it was revealed that Routh would be pulling double-duty in Crisis as Superman and The Atom, one question was asked: how will they explain why they are two different people in their respective universes?

Even though it was commented on that Clark from Earth-96 looked exactly like Ray Palmer, we never actually got a proper explanation as to why that is. Maybe Part 4 or 5 will answer that, but this meme perfectly sums up the mood that the characters should have constantly been in when Routh’s Ray and Clark were in the same room together.