The superhero TV show Arrow is primarily an action show, with lots of fights and epic showdowns between its heroes and villains. However, during its long course, the heroes have also managed to find time for romance, even though it wasn’t always easy.

There have been many super romantic scenes in the show, between various couples, not just Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak, who form the heart and mind of the series. Other fan-favorite couples include Thea Queen and Roy Harper or even Sara Lance and Nyssa al Ghul. Let’s take a look at the top 10 biggest or best romantic gestures in Arrow.

The First Kiss… The Genuine One

The tension between Oliver and Felicity ran high almost from the first moment they met, but even though it soon became obvious that Felicity liked Oliver, it took quite a while for them to grow closer to each other. And when their first kiss finally happened… it was less than satisfying since Oliver kissed Felicity only as a part of a ruse aimed against Slade Wilson.

So it brought great joy to the fans of this couple when they decided to try and date in the third season. And even though Oliver soon called things off, convinced he had to focus on being the Green Arrow, they still shared a beautiful and genuine first kiss.

The First Time

The third season of Arrow isn’t the witness to only one first between Oliver and Felicity. They also make love for the first time in the third season, and the fact that their relationship seems doomed at the moment makes this gesture of love and affection even more bittersweet.

It happens when Felicity arrives at Nanda Parbat to try and save Oliver. Oliver is certain at this point that his life will never be the same again since Ra’s al Ghul is forcing him to join him, but he still can’t let Felicity leave without showing her what she truly means to him.

The Proposal

Let’s stay with Oliver and Felicity a bit longer. Besides their first kiss and their first time together, another great romantic moment in the show is when Oliver finally finds the courage to ask Felicity to marry him. It feels like a natural result to everything they’ve been through as a couple, and the fans of Felicity and Oliver together couldn’t be happier when Oliver proposed.

As for their wedding itself, well, it didn’t go as peacefully as one might expect, but after everything was said and done, Oliver and Felicity still got their perfect moment of peace and became husband and wife.

Ray And Felicity Kiss

Felicity started out as your typical geeky girl, but she eventually blossomed into a whole different character. In the third season, especially, it seemed that the Gods smiled at her when it came to love. Not only did she kiss Oliver and made love to him, but she also briefly grew attached to Ray Palmer, later known as the superhero The Atom.

To be honest, Ray and Felicity are, in many ways, a better match than Felicity and Oliver. They’re both super-intelligent and sometimes awkward in social situations. However, even though Felicity chose Oliver in the end, she and Ray still shared a beautiful first kiss.

Sara And Oliver Reunite

Even though they both ended up with someone else in the end - Oliver married Felicity and Sara is currently dating Ava Sharpe in Legends of Tomorrow - there’s no doubt that the bond between them is very strong. Sara considers Oliver one of her oldest and dearest friends, and his death in the Crisis on Infinite Earths crushed her.

A while back, though, when they were both still alive and younger, Sara came back home, and they shared a rather passionate moment, kissing like there was no tomorrow. The chemistry between these two always raged strong, and they’re similar in many ways, so it’s no wonder they’re attracted to one another.

Laurel And Oliver Reconcile

Sara Lance wasn’t the first Lance sister Oliver used to date and reunited with after his return home from the island Lian Yu. He also grew closer to his former girlfriend, Laurel, who was dating Tommy Merlyn, Oliver’s best friend. Talk about complicated. Despite Tommy’s presence, Laurel and Oliver eventually reconciled and briefly dated again before they broke up, and Oliver moved on to Felicity, whom he later married.

While Oliver and Laurel didn’t make it work in the show, they’re the number one couple in the Arrow comics, so if you like these two together, there’s a lot more of their romance in the comic books.

Thea Helps Roy

If any couple had a rocky start, it’s this one. They first met when Roy tried to steal Thea’s bag. One thing led to another and even though they came from completely different worlds, Roy and Thea still got together. During the show, they sometimes dated, sometimes broke up, but managed to make it work most of the time.

They’re one of the younger couples in Arrow, considering their age, so it made them relatable to the younger viewers of the show. One of the best moments between them is when Thea kisses Roy for the first time and distracts him from the pain that way.

Laurel Confesses Her Love

Not every love story ends well, and not every love is requited. Everybody knows it, but most of us would like to forget it. Arrow reminded its fans that sometimes things don’t end the way you’d like them to in the fourth season. After being grievously injured by Damian Darhk, Laurel Lance is lying in her hospital bed and talking to Oliver.

Laurel looks at a photo from the past and then confesses to Oliver that while she knows she isn’t the love of his life, he’ll always be the love of her life, only to die soon afterward. This scene is by far one of the saddest moments in the show.

Tommy Dies To Save Laurel

From one death to another. Even though Laurel originally dated Oliver, he then disappeared and was presumed dead when the ship he was on with Laurel’s sister Sara crashed. Tommy and Laurel started dating but Oliver suddenly came back and inadvertently threw a wrench between them. Laurel still had feelings for Oliver even though she blamed him for the death of her sister.

Oliver’s return caused tension between the three people since Tommy was his best friend, but he also loved Laurel and didn’t want to lose her. In the end, Tommy sacrificed his own life to save Laurel, which is the biggest proof of love one can imagine.

What Could Have Been

As mentioned above, while Oliver and Felicity ruled the show as its number one couple, the story is completely different in the comics. In the source material, Green Arrow is madly in love with his girlfriend, Black Canary, who fights alongside him against villains. And while these two often argue and face problems just like any other couple, they seem happy together.

While Arrow focuses on Oliver and Felicity, it offered the fans a glimpse of what could have been in the form of an episode in which we see an alternate end to the story. In this version, Oliver gets engaged to Laurel, and they’re about to get married. This whole episode is filled with great moments, so it’d be impossible to pick just one.