[SPOILERS for those not caught up on Arrow ahead.]


Adrian Chase, aka Prometheus, has dominated much of the action in Arrow season 5, and his villainy isn’t over yet. Despite Oliver’s best efforts to overcome his physical and psychological torture, and use every ally to beat his mortal enemy, Chase slipped through the net once again. The former district attorney’s final scene in “Disbanded” was a chilling view of a remorseless killer, whistling happily as he drives past a parade of police cars, his face freshly spattered with the blood of his victims.

The slew of damaged and dead people in Chase’s wake hasn’t just dramatically altered the Green Arrow’s psyche, however. Though typically the reigning moral compass of Team Arrow, Felicity has gone through an understandable transformation after Prometheus used Oliver to kill her boyfriend Billy Malone. Adopting an “ends justify the means” attitude, Felicity has teamed up with the shady hacktivist group Helix, bartering a “no questions asked” use of her skills for their help in pursuing Chase and saving her friends.

It looks like the hunt for Malone’s killer peaks in the upcoming episode “Dangerous Liaisons”. In the promo above, Oliver and Diggle’s concern for Felicity’s new vigilantism grows, and Dig insists that “We have to get Felicity out of Helix.” The tech genius isn’t going to give up so easy, however, as she thinks that her new friends are the only way to take down Chase.

Despite Oliver’s recent dive into his own murderous bloodlust, Felicity clearly still believes in his kinder, gentler nature. Her final moment in the “Dangerous Liaisons” promo is tersely telling Oliver: “You’ll have to stop me.” These are brave words, since if Ollie was truly anything like Chase, he could obviously stop the keyboard warrior right then and there with his bare hands.

Arrow has always ultimately been about working together for the right cause, however, so Team Arrow will likely be attempting any other means necessary to capture Chase and still help Felicity veer off the dangerous path she’s on. It will be interesting to see how far Oliver’s former Girl Friday will go in her quest for vengeance, and at what point she will discover who and what she’s really been working for - when she hacks into government systems and helps spy on the world for Helix.

The difficult thing for Team Arrow is also that doing the right thing sometimes means the bad guy gets away. We’ve already seen that when Oliver’s plan to kill Chase via the Bratva was disrupted by his friends. It looks like our heroes may be forced to face a similar dilemma when the show returns after a few weeks’ hiatus - and we’ll have to wait and see if Felicity can finally get her revenge or if Chase slips free yet again.

Arrow returns Wednesday, April 26 with “Dangerous Liaisons,” at 8pm on The CW.

Source: The CW