When it comes to romance, its never at a shortage for the Arrow crew, seeing all forms of relationships form throughout the eight seasons. Whether it was to stay true to the comics or simply due to the natural chemistry the actors have, we’ve seen variations. Sometimes it’s for a short amount of time, sometimes its for a while, and often times it’s to get the story going.

other times it’s not always a good relationship. Often times fans are confused about the pairing and just want it to be over with because it makes no sense. So here are five good romances that ended too soon and five that couldn’t end fast enough.


NOT LONG ENOUGH: Barry Allen & Felicity

We all know that Barry Allen AKA The Flash was going to be a regular on Arrow if his show didn’t take off. Thankfully it did. Barry was first introduced just a few days before he got his powers and almost immediately hit it off with Felicity, even having a bit of a romance and going so far as to sharing a kiss.

The two are almost made for each other, both being quirky and lovingly adorable. Barry and Felicity often make jokes in intense situations and often have to get reminded of the seriousness of the situation. Although they are both happily married, they are still good friends and share the same connection, just not as romantically.

TOO LONG: Quentin Lance & Donna Smoak

Although this relationship didn’t last very long, we still saw a lot more than we should have during their time together. Not only was it an awkward pairing but the two were almost polar opposites of each other, with Quentin being stoic and action-driven and Donna was a lot more care-free and shall we say ditzy.

It’s hard to believe this is the same woman that raised a genius like Felicity as she spends more time being a damsel in distress than providing any help to the team or being in a relationship with a man like Quentin Lance.

NOT LONG ENOUGH: Ray Palmer & Felicity

Another short relationship with a man that was almost perfect for Felicity. Ray Palmer was often teased for being so much like Felicity, going so far as to Oliver wondering if he and Felicity were siblings due to how they are both eerily similar. Like Barry, Ray is quirky, awkward, and often left disregarded due to his soft-spoken attitude.

Ray almost married Felicity and it was all broken off because Felicity still had feelings for Oliver. This was not only heartbreak for poor Ray but the rest of the Feliciray shippers.

TOO LONG: Nyssa Al Ghul & Sarah Lance

This pairing comes in the first couple of seasons of Arrow. After years of being presumed dead, Sarah Lance finds her way back in Star City and in turn, finds her way back to Oliver’s life. It is also revealed that Sarah spent the five years missing training with the League Of Assassins and stirring a relationship with Nyssa Al Ghul.

Not only is it a random pairing but a confusing one. Nyssa is trained by assassins and often has a hard time showing emotions as she’s trained not to have any, yet she still finds her way to Sarah’s heart.

NOT LONG ENOUGH: Tommy Merlyn & Oliver

This isn’t necessarily a relationship pairing but a great friendship. These two make the list because Tommy was killed way too early in the show to really flesh out the great friendship he had with Oliver and why his death affected Oliver the way it did. Tommy was a loyal friend and greatly cared for Oliver as a brother, even when Oliver couldn’t return the love.

Although we see Tommy in different forms throughout Arrow, fans would really have loved to see the great relationship they had, it might’ve even overshadowed Diggle and Oliver’s bromance.

TOO LONG: Isabel & Oliver

This one should’ve been over before it even started. Isabel Rochev was playing Oliver from the very beginning by working with Slade Wilson and having a secret romance with Oliver’s father, going so far as to claim they were soulmates. On top of that, she takes Oliver’s company and nearly bankrupts him, causing a lot of stress for Oliver.

Although it was a fling, it was an ill-advised one, no woman is worth losing a company and your sanity, not even one as beautiful as Isabel Rochev. Let’s hope Oliver learned his lesson.

NOT LONG ENOUGH: Thea & Roy Harper

Although they got off to a rocky start, they quickly fell for each other and started one of the strongest relationships on the show. Roy was a troublemaker, often getting in trouble with the law and refusing help from anyone, for anything. Thea was also troubled, turning to drugs and alcohol to cope with the loss of her family.

Through their troubled past, they found each other and although they were on and off, they stuck it out and showed great love for each other. They both even wore the red hood and mastered archery.

TOO LONG: Ricardo Diaz & Oliver

Another relationship that isn’t romantic but worth mentioning. Ricardo Diaz was the secret villain in season 6 and his reign led to Oliver being arrested and tried for his crimes as the Green Arrow. Diaz’s reign should’ve ended in season 6 due to the fact he never really had an end goal and simply tortured Oliver just to do it.

He made it all the way to season 7 and still never really had a clear goal except to cause chaos and be known as one of the greatest drug lords in Star City.

NOT LONG ENOUGH: Oliver & Laurel

Fans of the comics know that Oliver Queen’s true love is Laurel Lance or Black Canary. It’s among the most elite relationships to match Barry Allen and Iris West or Clark Kent and Lois Lane, Oliver and Laurel are meant to be together. Although they had a relationship in season 1 and up until Earth-1 Laurel was killed, they should have never really ended.

Oliver has always feared for his loved ones, working to distance himself to avoid his enemies knowing who he is and hurting them. With Laurel he doesn’t have to worry about that, in fact, she would most likely be there right next to him fighting crime. Like Tommy, we’ve seen different versions of Laurel, courtesy of the multiverse but the Laurel were talking about is Earth-1 Laurel, who just about every other Laurel is modeling after.

Laurel was so loved by Star City, they had a statue built in her honor and when Earth-2 Laurel came impersonating her, the city welcomed her with open arms and no questions asked.

TOO LONG: Oliver & Felicity

They have been married for a little over a year and have a daughter together that grows up and becomes the Green Arrow.  Felicity has single-handedly improved Team Arrow with her genius and technological intelligence, however, as Oliver’s girlfriend/wife she just can’t seem to catch a break.

Felicity has been shot at, paralyzed, abandoned, and humiliated being Oliver’s and yet she still comes back to him. It’ safe to say her life might be a little better if she had decided to settle down with a more emotionally available Barry or a more stable Ray Palmer.