Gob is one of the more unreliable and unpredictable members of the Bluth family from Arrested Development. He certainly isn’t intelligent, although he does have a lot of heart. Unfortunately, his selfish attitude, coupled with his naivety has meant that he’s been in a number of unfortunate situations.

Whether he’s inflicting some kind of torment on his family and friends, by accident of course, or whether he’s managed to get himself into a difficult moment that he needs saving from, Gob Bluth is a walking disaster. We’re taking a look at the 5 worst things that Gob has gone through and the 5 worst things that he’s done to others.


During his career, Gob had a professional rivalry with fellow magician Tony Wonder. The two constantly tried to outperform each other, but they eventually formed a strong friendship. This friendship quickly turned into something else.

After realising that the two are very attracted to each other they formed a relationship of sorts. However, because of the Gay Mafia, Tony Wonder was seemingly killed. This was a terrible moment for Gob who grieved for some time after the loss.


There was an ongoing joke across Arrested Development that Ann was an incredibly boring girl, with very few points of interest. When George Michael dated her, many people forgot she even existed or often said about how plain-looking she was.

Yet, in order to cover up a number of things about himself Gob decided to start dating Ann. He led on the poor girl, making her believe things that weren’t true. It also meant he got heavily involved in her church in which he eventually did a magic trick that had him trapped in a rock, with Ann believing he had abandoned her.


Gob was a failing magician for some time. With Tony Wonder often stealing his thunder and many of his tricks not working in the ways that they are supposed to, Gob was really struggling to make ends meet and to be able to continue his career.

Eventually, due to his poor performances, Gob was removed from the Alliance of Magicians. This was a big blow for him as it significantly hurt his pride. It was one of the few things he actually felt he was good at, so an exile from the group was incredibly harsh.


On a number of occasions, Gob has been put in charge of the Bluth company. This is sometimes to spite Michael Bluth and it’s sometimes to have a scapegoat in case everything goes wrong. Unfortunately, Gob is an absolutely terrible business leader.

He’s almost made the business go bankrupt and many of his decisions are driven by selfish desires. He has no real control over his staff and is more interested in selfish pursuits and benefiting from his wage, power, and title.


Much like all the Bluth children, Gob had an extremely difficult childhood. Because he wasn’t the brightest of the Blue children he was usually overlooked or even mocked. He tried to find a way to overcome this, sometimes bullying his younger siblings.

This is the point in his life that he started learning magic in order to impress his parents. This never really worked out that well for him though. Both George and Lucille have never shown any pride in him which is likely why he has acted up all his life.


Gob does a lot of things that he would rather forget. When he does, he usually takes a drug that he has nicknamed a forget me now. This is actually the type of illegal pill that’s used in many sexual assault cases. That hasn’t stopped Gob from using it many times.

He’s taken so many that he’s actually lost weeks of time, forgetting what day it even is. He’s also used them on his family to make them forget anything they’ve seen about him. The use of a forget me now caused Michael to believe he had actually killed Lucille 2.


Gob has been significantly tormented at the hands of the gay mafia. With Tony Wonder seemingly being killed by them, they gave Gob the body to dispose of. Not only this but they also threatened him if he didn’t act how they wanted him to.

The mafia forced Gob to continue acting as if he was gay, which he secretly was, in order to discredit the sort of religious groups that claim that they can pray away the gay. Gob was genuinely scared by this group and lived his life in fear of them for some time.


Much to Gob’s surprise, he finds out that he actually has a son called Steve Holt. Because of his inattention, Steve Holt grew up for most of his life without a father. This is a mistake that Gob really should rectify but it takes a while to do this.

At first, Gob runs away from the responsibility of being a father. He continues to neglect his only son, pushing him away. It’s fair to say that after his awful behaviour though, Gob does make an effort to reconcile and starts treating him as a father should. That is until Steve leaves and Gob takes a forget me now to remove all the pain of losing his son.


The final season of the show took us through the criminal case of the disappearance of Lucille. There were so many suspects and for a time Gob could have been one of them. During this time there was also the subplot of the wall being built, which Gob took over.

After his big magic trick where he was cemented into the wall, Gob reveals that he is still alive. He then asks for the wall to be taken down. Gob is there when he discovers the body of Lucille has been hidden in the wall the whole time, freaking him out.


This is all linked to the Gay mafia and Tony Wonder. Because Gob was given Tony’s body to dispose of, he decided to pass it along. He gave it to Buster to get rid of instead but this had a number of larger consequences.

Buster was under trial for the murder of Lucille. Since he was shown on camera throwing a body into some water it was assumed he was guilty. Gob, therefore, put him in this terrible position. It turns out that Buster then used the wall trick to hide the body, which also involves Gob once again; the brothers, therefore, weren’t too kind to one another.