PayPal As we’ve already revealed, PayPal has no plans to cut Safari users off from its service. Apple Q2 results Apple stock hits $161.33 per share as analysts issue positive forecasts for the company’s second quarter earnings, with strong Mac sales and better than expected component prices seemingly set to drive company to exceed guidance. iPhone sales are also set to exceed Apple’s stated 10 million FY2008 target, say analysts from Goldman Sachs and Caris & Co. China – the world’s internet superpower China’s 1.3 billion population now includes 233 milllion internet users, as the Olympics host speeds into the information superhigway, making the current debate on human rights, censorship and freedom in Tibet all the more relevant. Second Apple Apple patent describes 3D environments for its online shops,, equipped with customer to customer interaction and real live (if virtual) store staff as company develops Web 2.0 front-end for its retail operations. Off the rap The lawsuit against Apple, Viacom and BET bought by Rap-A-Lot Records CEO James ‘J Prince’ Smith and his associate Thomas Randle has been kicked out of court. Litigants claimed inclusion of an image of them with an infamous gangster leader in US show, American Gangster, had caused them harm. Judge rejects case. Mac OS X 10.5.3 Developers are testing the next major build of Mac OS X 10.5, with Apple distibuting a pre-release version of the wide-ranging software update among select ADC members, Apple Insider reports. Software release expected within weeks.