We’re not saying the iPhone 5 will be this startlingly amazing example of a location-sensing, near field communicating hyper-advanced device that might run at speeds as fast as 2.5GHz — but we are saying it’s possible. That’s because ARM has announced its new Cortex A15 MPCore processor design that seems set for implementation across all kinds of devices, from smartphones to tablets, entertainment systems to netbooks. Take a look at ARM’s claims for this new chip, which it says is up to five times better performing than existing smartphone processors. Not only that, but it sips power, so functions like 3D navigation and other forms of augmented reality solutions will have the juice to run pervasively. So we can become stupid and leave it to our phone, some say. “The launch of the Cortex-A15 MPCore processor marks the beginning of an entirely new era for the ARM Partnership. It brings together more than 20 years of ARM expertise in low-power design with a host of new and very aggressive high-performance technologies,” said Mike Inglis, EVP and GM, Processor Division, ARM. “The Cortex-A15 MPCore processor will become the next major step along the industry’s energy efficient computing roadmap and open up a wide range of new application possibilities for our Partners.” Samsung, ST Ericsson and Texas Instruments all helped shaped the functionality of the processor as they look to deliver more powerful chips: “The market’s demand for more functionality and connectivity with low power consumption requires ever more advanced processor, system and chip design,” said Yiwan Wong, VP of SoC marketing, system LSI Division, Samsung Electronics. “We believe this new Cortex-A15 MPCore processor core from ARM, with its quantum leap in processing capabilities, will successfully enable many next-generation electronic products and redefine the level of experience consumers will demand from their smartphones and mobile computing devices.” The Cortex-A15 MPCore processor will be supported by specifically optimized ARM Physical IP that was developed jointly with the processor. These optimizations enable rapid development of leadership physical implementations, initially targeting 32nm and 28nm technologies with a roadmap extending to 20nm.