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6 hours, 6 videos, and boom, Shopify goes down.

From Buzzfeed News

Buzzfeed accurately portrays the Shane Dawson documentaries as “a very long promo for Dawson’s collection.”

It was Shane who killed Shopify.

It was Jeffree Star who killed Shopify.

What a dream scenario for both of them. Sell out, P.R., Disrupting the Beauty Industry.

This is Andrew Left’s Nightmare.

Andrew Left, is a short-seller who founded Citron Research, and published a report on Shopify and said that it should be investigated by the FTC.

Andrew Left thought Shopify should go down… as in stock price.

But instead Shopify crashed.

This story was gaining steam as Shane was releasing his documentary but the business side really came around after the fact.

Accelerated, a newsletter you should subscribe to, summed it up well.

High Tea, another wonderful newsletter claims this was “a genius influencer marketing campaign”. and that each party will get $10M. What a big party!

Ultimately, what can influencer marketing professional learn from this?

A few things

  • This collaboration took a long time. But it wasn’t planned like this from the start. Jeffree Star and Shane have collaborated before and it took those small collaborations to understand how to work together.Brands and Marketers and even Influencer Agencies can learn to let loose. Learn from what works and then merely support the work of creators.Creators have way more power than they know what to do with. I can’t wait until the NEXT Shane Dawson collab.

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