Writer-director Rian Johnson is keeping tight-lipped about whether Prince William and Prince Harry will appear in cameos in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Being in a Star Wars film is every fan’s dream, even if those fans happen to be stars themselves. Daniel Craig notably suited up as the First Order stormtrooper whom Rey (Daisy Ridley) played Jedi mind tricks on in The Force Awakens; and before he scored Rogue One, composer Michael Giacchino played stormtrooper FN-3181 in the film thanks to his friendship with his frequent collaborator J.J. Abrams. For reference, Giacchino is the stormtrooper who delivers captured Resistance pilot Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) to Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) upon being captured.

And while Johnson finally spilled more details about The Last Jedi at Star Wars Celebration over the weekend, it’s still uncertain that a pair of members from Britain’s royal family will appear in the film. Rumors began to circulate about a year ago that Prince William and Prince Harry suited up as stormtroopers during their high-profile visit to The Last Jedi set in London, so Yahoo! Movies flat-out asked Johnson if the word going around was true. Responding with a smile and mimicking like he was receiving a transmission in his ear, the filmmaker said:

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I have no clue. The last voice you heard … I can neither confirm nor deny.”

Of course, we’ll never know if William and Harry do turn up in The Last Jedi –  unless we get the official word from Johnson or the princes – because they’ll obviously be unrecognizable in stormtrooper armor. Even if the rumors are true, don’t expect the cameos to be any sort of a  distraction. Abrams and Johnson are smart enough not to let faces as famous as Craig, William or Harry take anything away from the Star Wars experience.

So far, the only cameo for The Last Jedi that’s been confirmed is for The Girl on the Train and The Leftovers star Justin Theroux, while Tom Hardy’s rumored cameo remains a mystery. It’s also reasonable that Johnson would ask Gareth Edwards to play a bit part, which would be a great way for Johnson to repay the director for the opportunity to appear in a hidden cameo as a Death Star gunner in Rogue One. Edwards may have already had his fill, though, appearing in Rogue One himself as a Rebel soldier.

Source: Yahoo! Movies

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