Update: Our sources suggest that, while there is no way to know for sure, it is possible that the developers are simply using app analytics services offered by Facebook and Google. That would see data being sent to servers owned by the respective companies, but wouldn’t make any of it available for advertising.

The American Medical Association (AMA) has found that most free apps designed to help people quit smoking, or cope with depression, are sharing data with Facebook or Google – and only a third of them properly disclosed that fact in privacy policies …

The study summarises the question it sought to answer, and the results of its investigations.

The AMA examined the data being transmitted by the health apps, looking at what was being shared, and with whom. It then compared that to the app’s privacy policy to determine whether or not users were appropriately informed.

Findings  In this cross-sectional study of 36 top-ranked apps for depression and smoking cessation available in public app stores, 29 transmitted data to services provided by Facebook or Google, but only 12 accurately disclosed this in a privacy policy.

What was particularly worrying, reports The Verge, is the reasons behind apps failing the test.

It’s likely that the data is being used to direct ads to those identified as suffering from depression or trying to quit smoking. Although this doesn’t usually involve personally-identifiable information, the data could still be misused, says Torus.

Frustratingly, the study doesn’t name the apps in question. But the bottom line recommendation is to download health-related apps only from organizations you trust, and to read the privacy policy to find out what data will be shared.

Photo: Shutterstock